Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Spider mystery solved

OK, I e-mailed my spider pic to the Spider Studies program at Marshall University in Huntington, WV. I got a very quick answer back from Dr. James Arnold, who told me:

Yours appears to be a small nursery (or fishing) spider and is sitting in the
hunting posture of one. Remotely possible a wolf spider. Both are voracious
insect predators; neither uses webs for prey capture and habitually lurks
awaiting lunch to stroll past, wolf spiders horizontally and more often from

He also said that they are non-poisonous, although they can give a painful bite if mishandled, and that they are FAST. But I caught this one in a 7-11 coffee cup and I suspect that right now it's outside the house hunting down insects or possibly mice and small neighbor children. But hey--if it's taking out pests, more power to it!

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