Saturday, April 07, 2007

I say we give Maryland back to England

Wow. Maryland's legislature is just going to town now that they've got a Democratic majority and a new Democratic governor. They're working full bore to wipe out any semblance of American values from that state. As a result, I'm proposing that we give Maryland back to England, since they clearly don't seem to appreciate this country or have any desire to want to be like the rest of us. Sadly, the Dems now running that state are trying to pass a bunch of new laws that will harm law-abiding Americans there while basically giving the state over to a combination of illegal aliens and felons, most of whom are expected to return the favor by voting Dem in the subsequent elections. Here's just a few examples of the sort of laws that I'm talking about:

Anti-gun legislation.

Just this year, the Maryland Legislature is advancing several bills that will remove Montgomery County from under the state's firearms preemption laws and allow that county to impose stricter gun controls than the rest of the state. They also want to put a 10% tax on certain types of firearms and they are also working on a so-called "assault weapons ban" which will deny law-abiding Maryland residents the right to purchase most semi-automatic firearms and magazines that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition. None of these laws do a thing to deter or punish criminals, but they come down hard on the people who actually obey the laws.

Drivers' licenses for illegal aliens.

Maryland is one of just seven states that does not require people to prove citizenship before giving them a driver's license. The federal government's "Real ID Act" requires states to demand such proof because driver's licenses are used to open bank accounts, vote, board airliners, and other things that both terrorists and run-of-the-mill illegal aliens have no business doing. However

If Maryland does not comply with the act, state driver's licenses would no longer be accepted identification for entrance into federal buildings or travel on airplanes.

Barring illegal aliens from obtaining driver's licenses became an even bigger issue for many Maryland lawmakers after an Iraq war veteran was killed in a car accident involving an illegal alien in Howard County on Thanksgiving.

Police arrested Eduardo Raul Morales-Soriano, 25, an illegal alien from Mexico, and charged him with drunken driving and two counts each of vehicular homicide and manslaughter while intoxicated in the crash that killed Cpl. Brian Mathews of Columbia, Md. But the illegal alien advocacy group Casa de Maryland still demands that the legislature treat illegals the same as citizens and people who have a lawful right to be in our country, and that it would make many (illegal) immigrants feel like second-class people to deny them the full rights and benefits that citizens and legal immigrants enjoy.

At least one person gets it though. "I think it's a terrible problem that we have: People who are more concerned about how the illegal aliens feel than the safety of Maryland residents," said Sen. Janet Greenip, Anne Arundel County Republican.

Amen! But the Dems also know that if illegals can get driver's licenses, they can also register vote courtesy of that stupid Motor Voter law that the Clinton era Dems passed. There are no checks in place to prevent it and both the Dems and the illegals know it.

In-state tuition for illegals.

Not content with just giving illegals the documents that they need to blend in with those of us who actually belong here, the Maryland legislature also thinks that they should get a break on college tuition for themselves and their kids. If an actual American moves to Maryland, they won't be eligible for in-state tuition rates for at least a year, but the MD legislature, kow-towing again to Casa de Maryland and the rest of the illegal alien lobby, thinks that illegals deserve this break so that they can compete for slots in Maryland's colleges and universities with citizens and legal immigrants who want them and who actually have a right to them. It's bad enough that the legislature would allow illegals to attend those schools at all, but giving them tuition preferences that are reserved for legitimate residents and which are denied to many actual citizens? Come on! One Maryland legislator who opposes it says it will inevitably put an added financial strain on schools, drive up tuition costs and reduce the number of available slots at public colleges for legal residents, but the rest of the legislature just wants that Hispanic vote so they're going ahead with it anyway.

Let felons vote!

As if Maryland hasn't gone far enough in it's efforts to curtail the rights of law-abiding citizens and give extravagant benefits to illegals, now it wants to further dilute the voting power of the decent people by removing the bar that our forefathers put on felons and allowing them to vote. This means that criminals will get a say on legislation that sets penalties on the crimes that they have already been convicted of committing at least once, and it gives them the chance to try to vote out of office prosecutors and legislators who are tough on crime and it also allows them to go after the sheriffs who run the jails that they've done time in. It also sets up a situation where candidates for office in high-crime areas will be tempted to pander to convicted criminals and promise to pass legislation that lessens or eliminates the penalties for some crimes in exchange for the votes of the criminals. One only has to look to Washington DC and see what happened there as convicted felon Marion Barry actively sought out the votes of other convicted felons in Ward 8 and subsequently won a seat in the City Council. Is that what Maryland's legislative majority wants? Or are they just looking at studies that reflect the fact that felons overwhelmingly vote Democrat? I realize that if Florida's felons had been allowed to cast the deciding votes, AL Gore would have been elected instead of George W. Bush, and the Democrats realize it too, which is why they push so hard to give felons the vote nationwide. They know that their platform doesn't appeal to the majority of hard-working honest citizens, so rather than change it and give the good people what the good people want, they'd rather open up the voting pool to criminals and illegal aliens and ride their votes into power, screwing everyone else.

How about it, England? You want 'em back? We'll trade you. Give us a few thousand honest conservative citizens (if you've got that many left) and we'll give you Maryland on the condition that you promptly tow it away. Act quick and we'll throw in Massachusetts as a bonus. It's not like that state does America any good so why the heck not?

1 comment:

  1. Of course, given that Motor Voter links your driver's license to the opportunity to register to vote, any bets the Maryland Dems are trying to solidify their majority by opening up voting to illegals?
