Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hillary does Michigan

Apparently Hillary Clinton traveled to Michigan the other day and spoke to United Auto Workers members, promising to spend more of America's money on manufacturing, whatever that means. Granted, anyone (with the possible exception of the average auto worker) realizes that the federal government really doesn't have the ability or the right to buy the massive quantity of Michigan-manufactured goods that would be needed to prop up that state's sad economy, but then she was talking to union auto workers, and all they really care about is keeping their cushy overpaid assembly-line jobs so that they can keep buying boats and plasma TVs and spending like there's no tomorrow right up until they get laid off due to lack of domestic auto sales, at which time they get all shocked and surprised despite the fact that even Helen Keller could have seen it coming.
But the union workers showed that they're still clueless by voicing their support for Hillary. Apparently they've missed the fact that Hillary is a staunch supporter of amnesty for the illegal aliens that are rapidly grabbing up formerly-unionized jobs in other sectors simply by undercutting union workers when it comes to negotiating for pay. Anyone else remember when the construction field used to be predominantly unionized? Well now it's mostly illegal alien and many former union construction workers are sitting around on unemployment or doing something else for a lot less money. But I guess that Michigan's union workers think that the illegals that Hillary (and Senators Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin) support won't ever take their jobs. Uh, ok.

Domestic auto sales are in the toilet and have been for several years basically for two reasons:
1. The UAW demands such high wages for even the lowliest broom-pusher that American cars cost much more than foreign cars, and:
2. The average union worker here knows that he/she has a job for life no matter how poor their work because the union won't let them get fired for any reason so many of them don't bother to do that good of a job. They make crappy cars because they'll never be suspended or fired and thus have no incentive to build the things right, and the crappy cars cost more than the foreign cars made by cheaper-working non-union workers at other plants run by the Japanese and other foreign companies.

Believe me, the US auto industry execs know this too, and if they could shut down the unionized plants tomorrow and re-open new plants with much cheaper immigrant non-union labor that actually cared about building good cars because they didn't want to lose their jobs, they'd do it. And they'd probably wind up turning out better cars that are much cheaper than those available from the Big Three today.

Hillary and Dems like Levin and Stabenow play to the union workers for votes and money, but the union workers who support them apparently aren't watching as they work with the other hand to legalize millions of current illegal aliens and open the door for the admission of millions more--all of whom will shortly be potential competition for the jobs currently held by the union workers. And the union workers just don't get it. They'll just keep propping up the very politicians who are bringing about their eventual vocational demise and blowing their cash on toys right up until they get the layoff notices in the mail. And then they'll have the nerve to act surprised.

Very sad.

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