Sunday, June 17, 2007

Mmmmm..... Hammock.

I was going through the basement this afternoon,looking for more stuff to throw out, when I found a hammock that the people who lived in my house before me left behind.
I almost pitched it, but I gave it a cursory going-over first and I saw that there was nothing wrong with it. So instead of throwing it in the trash, I took it out into the woods behind my house and attached it to two convenient trees. I tried it out. It was perfect.

The spot where I put it is surrounded by trees. Can't see the road or any of the neighbors' houses from there. There's just enough of a breeze to keep the bugs away, and more than enough shade to keep the sun off.

So I took a book and a pitcher of iced tea and just laid out in the hammock. Lagniappe laid beneath it and every now and again he'd go get his basketball and bring it to me. As soon as he dropped it however, the slant of the hill made it roll off so he spent a fair bit of time chasing the gravity-powered ball, in effect playing fetch with himself, and I didn't have to touch that spit-covered ball a single time.

Then to top the relaxing hammock time off, as I lay there, reading my book and sipping my tea, two deer walked right past me not fifty feet away. They stopped and looked at me for a few seconds, no doubt wondering what I was doing there. I waved at them and they turned and continued on their way. Now I ask you: how cool is that?

When people in DC ask me why I live way out here, I just have to think of my hammock in the woods surrounded by deer. Nice.

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