Sunday, November 18, 2007

Canada doesn't want our cowards and losers either

Bad news for the cowards and shirkers who fled the United States for a supposed safe haven in Canada rather than fulfill their commitment to the US Armed Forces. The Canadian Supreme Court says that they don't qualify for refugee status in that country, paving the way for their return here and some (hopefully) long prison sentences. This means that we may wind up getting dirtbags like Jeremy Hinzman, Brandon Hughey and Kim Rivera back after they and other cry-babies who enlisted in the army to get all the benefits that we offer our soldiers only to run away like sniveling bitches when they were called upon to actually perform the duties of a soldier. Now this is both a blessing and a curse. I for one will enjoy watching them all get sentenced to prison and I sincerely hope that they do many years behind bars. However, I also know that they will eventually be released and to be quite honest, I don't want them in my country.

And I mean that most sincerely. These people are liars, traitors, and punks who cannot be taken at their word or depended on when the chips are down. They do not represent America and do not rate American citizenship or deserve to spend one free day in this country ever again. I'd actually like to see Canada just keep them, and failing that, I'll be the first to propose that if they are brought back and sentenced, that they be stripped of their American citizenship and deported immediately, preferably to someplace like Iraq. I don't want to share the freedoms and rights and heritage of this country with pathetically useless slaps like Jeremy Hinzman. I want to see every one of these deserters barred from ever re-entering this great country and if they ever do set foot back here, I want to see them either imprisoned at hard labor for the rest of their lives or deported and expelled. As an American, I have no problem with dissent or people speaking out against my country's policies, but I cannot condone someone who promises to serve, and who reaches out and takes the things meant for those who stand to defend America and our way of life only to run away and denounce this great country from abroad when the time comes for them to live up to their end of the agreement.

If Canada wants our trash, they're welcome to it. But apparently even Canada won't stomach these cockroaches. and for once I can't blame Canada.


  1. How 'bout we send 'em south instead? Mexico will take anybody.

  2. Heh....just saw your comment on a post from way back when. Thanks for stopping by! :)
    And I agree with Officer Smith - Mexico sounds like the place to send them all!! It might not be a fair trade for all the illegals coming up here but we don't want any nonpatriotic Americans anyway!

  3. Thanks for stopping by and checking out the List. I added you to my bloglist.
