Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thanks for nothing, Fox!

Twentieth Century Fox, that is.

Until quite recently, I had a link on this page to the theme music and video from the opening of the TV show "Firefly". For those of you who saw and appreciated the show, you know how cool it was. For those of you who missed it, you have my sympathies.

It was a science-fiction future-meets-the-old-west sort of show about an ex-soldier-turned-captain and his crew of misfits and fugitives who roamed the outer regions of the galaxy, trying to make a buck however they could while avoiding the forces of the powerful central government. And while I admit that I first thought it was gonna be stupid, I quickly became one of the show's legions of fans during it's short run on Fox television. You just couldn't help identify with Mal Reynolds and his team even if science fiction wasn't your thing. Sadly, Fox blundered it again and again, constantly pre-empting episodes and then running them out of order, so that viewers were often left puzzled by references to things which had happened in earlier shows which of course hadn't aired yet.
But at least I had the theme music and opening least until it disappeared and was replaced with a warning stating that it had been removed due to a copyright complaint from Fox.

So they took the show, and now they took my favorite tangible memory of the show.
Thanks, Fox. And thanks for subsequently launching and then pulling another series by the same production team featuring some of the same actors. Yeah, I liked "Drive" too. Then you screwed me again and canned it. So don't bother asking me to check out any more new shows that you come up with. You screwed me and a lot of other fans over when you got us hooked on Firefly and Drive then pulled them for no good reason and I for one learn from past experience. These experiences have taught me not to get hooked up with another series on your network.

1 comment:

  1. Firefly was an excellent show! The writing was good and you just had to enjoy all the characters-even though some of them were a bit unusual! Did you see the film "Serenity"?
    I got a t-shirt with Mal & his six-shooter on it, it says BIG DAMN HERO.
