Monday, November 26, 2007

Why ebay?

So I'm looking on-line for repair parts for my Ithaca 87 (below) and I can't help but notice and be astounded by the number of ads on the ebay auction sight for gun parts and accessories.

Now in light of the way that ebay treats gun owners, and in light of the plethora of other gun-friendly sites like Gunbroker, Gunsamerica and Auction Arms, I just can't see why anyone selling or buying gun parts would ever want to give ebay a chunk of their proceeds.

Ebay, for those not aware, prohibited the sale of guns on their site long ago. They don't even let licensed dealers put guns up with the requirement that guns are only shipped to other dealers, even though such sales are legal and regulated by the federal government. Then they tightened their policy again to bar people from listing many types of gun parts and ammunition, even though these items can be lawfully bought and sold via the mail and/or UPS. (See the ebay policy announcement here.) It's because of this arbitrary anti-gun agenda of ebay that the above pro-gun sites were created and why those sites flourish today as an alternative to ebay.

But some gun people seem to still be willing to pay money to ebay even though ebay doesn't want their nasty gun stuff on their system.

Why, people? Why still give money to ebay? Why not reserve it to sites that appreciate us and cater to us and let ebay feel the real economic impact of kissing us all goodbye? But they'll never miss us if we don't leave, and as long as at least some of us keep paying them, they have absolutely no incentive to change their ways and start respecting us and catering to us again.

Oh--and I didn't see the part I needed on ebay, but if I did, I still wouldn't buy it through ebay. My principles come first.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I don't understand why anyone would continue to buy anything gun related on ebay when sites like exist.

    Unfortunatley, I do think that for other goods, there is very little substitute.

    well done anyways.
