Sunday, June 15, 2008

The New Orleans crowd is growing hostile

Wow, the crying coming out of New Orleans is already reaching the high water mark. Apparently upset because other people are now surviving a flood, but doing it like grown adults and getting by without acting like a bunch of government-dependent babies and criminals, they're trying to tell us all how it wasn't their fault at all--it was the government's. (But just George Bush's, not Ray Nagin's or Kathleen Blanco's...mustn't blame the Democrats even if they did have the primary responsibility for emergency management.)

You see, the government told everyone that the levees were fine, so it's the government's fault that the people of New Orleans didn't take even the most elementary precautions. (News flash: The federal government has regularly disbursed money to Louisiana and New Orleans for decades to maintain the levees but the money always seemed to get diverted by the Democrats that handled it and who were tasked with making those repairs.)

It's George Bush's fault that few bothered to put aside a couple of weeks' worth of canned goods and other staples, and it's the Republicans' fault that these schlubs didn't have a couple of filled five-gallon gas cans set aside to help them get out of town. And these are things that everyone else in the Gulf knows enough to do...but it's FEMA's fault that the people of New Orleans alone by and large did not do any of this stuff.

Oh, and it's the media's fault that the people on New Orleans looked so bad in the aftermath. If the news people hadn't told the rest of the country how New Orleans residents were looting, raping and killing each other, shooting at rescue helicopters, and generally behaving like a bunch of rowdy schoolkids on a playground with the teachers all gone, and if the news people hadn't done all those stories about New Orleans residents committing widespread fraud to get disaster relief funds and launching mini-crime waves in many of the communities that they were relocated to (at our expense), then they wouldn't look so bad today.

Until now, they always excused their behavior by saying "Well there was so much can't know what it was like." But now we see other people in Iowa in the same situation, and we can see exactly what it's like when those people actually work around the clock to fill sandbags, help each other evacuate, and generally work through this without acting like a bunch of characters from "Mad Max" oer some other post-apocalyptic movie where there are no rules and chaos is the norm. People in Iowa aren't looting jewelry stores or hauling liquor out of bars. They aren't killing each other. They're under a lot of stress and faced with some serious loss, but they're going on and they're doing what they have to do.

You folks in New Orleans need to stop getting mad at me and others for comparing their behavior to yours and you need to be watching these folks in Iowa and start taking notes, because you could learn a whole lot from them and from your neighbors in Mississippi who didn't act all stupid and spend years running around demanding compensation from the rest of us, like we all owe you for your decision to live below sea level.

And just to head off the next slam, I also lived in New Orleans at one time. I loved it there, but I also knew just like everyone else that it was only a matter of time before the big storm hit and the floodwaters came. I was prepared and so were most of my friends. That you weren't is an indictment of yourselves and your local leaders, not George Bush or anyone else.


  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    NIce stuff, good and interesting articles.

  2. I actually kind of agree with you on a number of points...i am a native new orleanian who evacuuated many times, but i was living out of state when Katrina hit.

    It was NOT Bush's fault. the blame lies squarely with Nagin and Blanco, but also with Huey Long and Edwin Edwards and Marc Morial. Louisiana has a LONG history of leaving people behind to fatten politician's pockets. The major difference between what is happening up north and in new orleans is the people themselves. the majority of the population of new orleans collects welfare. Some of these people choose not to better themselves through job training and turn to violence and gangs. these were the people looting. i had many friends who were stranded in flooded houses and they didn't loot. it isn't so much about the media (which did make some snap reports that were false, like the rapes in the superddome) but it is about the upbringing and the value systems of the citizens living here. I for one would like to see them step up and take some responsibility for them being a human being in our society. The government didn't bail us out after hurrican Betsy in '65...neighbors helped out neighbors and we rebuilt. why didn't this happen this time? The democrats create a sense of entitlement, which will only get worse if they get the presidency (IMHO)

  3. Anonymous4:11 PM

    It makes me so mad to hear the cry babies in New Orleans saying itis George W.Bush's fault. As we know it is never the Democrats fault.

  4. I live on the outskirts of Iowa City (just south of your friend in Cedar Rapids) and work in law enforcement. How have I missed your blog for so long? I LOVE it. Great points, and great writing. Keep it up!
