Wednesday, September 03, 2008

On Sarah Palin

One thing that I had plenty of time to do on my way back from vacation was listen to AM talk radio. And the #1 topic without fail was Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska and John McCain's pick for Vice President.

Now I've been aware of Mrs. Palin for some time, and I always thought that she'd be a good pick. She's solid conservative, good on guns, has run both a city and America's largest state successfully, and understands major issues that I care about--environment, energy policy and the effect of big government on the lives and fortunes of taxpayers. I like her.

But what's appalling is listening to Democrats beat up on her because her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. Now remember--these are the same Democrats who always told us that the personal lives of people like Bill Clinton and more recently, John Edwards, was off-limits and not our business. And these are the same Democrats who told us that the children of candidates (Chelsea "America is a racist county" Clinton and Al Gore III, pothead and soon-to-be co-star of the next Cheech and Chong movie) was also out of bounds.

But then they found out that Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant, and the knives came out. "Forget everything we ever said about family and personal lives," say the democrats. "We've got to get this woman at any cost!" And they went to town trashing this woman not based on her professional history or her views but just because her daughter is unmarried and pregnant.

Of course Barrack Obama's mother was not married to his father when she became pregnant with him, but again, the Dems say that we're not supposed to talk about that. Only the Palin daughter is fair game.

This is why I cannot be a Democrat, folks. I cannot be a hypocrite. Dems hate the rest of us because we have values and we're not like them. Then when someone makes a mistake--even if it's only a teenager--then they hate that person for no other reason than because that person is now just like them.

Well to be fair, Bristol Palin would have to abort this child or stay unmarried and go on welfare to be like the typical Democrat, but that's not in the cards. She's keeping the child and getting married to the baby's father. Maybe that's why the Dems hate this little girl so much now. By doing the right thing even after showing some bad judgment initially, she's proving that people can still take responsibility and mitigate their errors. That's got to kill the Dems who strive to convince us all that one mistake serves as a scarlet letter and damns us all to perpetual dependence on big government.

I'm not ready to vote for John McCain yet, but I'm going to support Sarah Palin, if only for having the class to rise above all of those vile, nasty, bitter and hateful Democrats...the ones who savage her for daring to be a Christian or for running for office instead of staying home to raise her kids even though Dems have always screeched that it's wrong to be forced to give up a career just to be a stay-at-home mom. And I'm going to continue to urge the few sane, moderate Democrats left (if there are any) to take their party back from the screaming, raging nutters who now control it--the ones who made sure that every single speech at the Democratic National Convention was focused on attacking and slandering McCain and the Republicans instead of telling us what if anything the Dems want to do to actually solve our problems and lead us into the future. That anger and hate served only to highlight why the current Dem leadership is even less popular with the American voters today than George Bush is. Bush has disappointed me on several levels but at least he hasn't sunk to the lows that cause almost every major Democrat to eschew discussions about policy for bitter, usually personal attacks against the people who are actually trying to lead this country, solve our energy problems and win our war.

And Sarah Palin so far refuses to sink to that level too. While Dems sit around on their hate-websites photoshopping her face onto porn and holding contests to see who can come up with the nastiest nickname for her, she's holding her course and refusing to act that childish, and America's starting to see that they're finally getting someone who is actually like the rest of us in that she's held real jobs, enjoys mainstream activities like hunting and fishing. (Hillary fans should take note: When Sarah Palin shoots a caribou she doesn't even try to make it look like a suicide.) Also as a mother of five, including a Downs Syndrome baby, Sarah Palin knows what it takes to raise a family, just like millions of other everyday Americans. I like her for those reasons, among others.

That said I've created a campaign slogan for her that she's welcome to use:

Sarah Palin. More conservative than President Bush or John McCain and a better shot than Dick Cheney!

EDITED TO ADD: If you want to see what the angry left is doing and get the real answers regarding the lies and smears that they're creating around this woman, then look no farther than


  1. Anonymous3:54 PM

    AMEN! And I LOVE the slogan!

  2. Couldn't agree with you more.

    She is the very picture of what feminists have been screaming about: Successful working mother who looks great in a skirt. Yet they hate her. It's not about feminism, it's about liberalism. She isn't liberal, they hate her.

    I have not been a fan of McCain. Ever. In fact I lost all interest in this election with his apparent nomination. I figured the country is going to hell either way.

    But with Palin, I could vote for her. Setting her up as the president heir-apparent in a few years could be something I can work on.

    I'm DVR'ing her speech tonight and will watch it soon. This is going to be interesting.

  3. You know, I've been reading this blog for the better part of a year, and it's plain that Lagniappe's human companion and I look at the world from a similar perspective, and are in agreement on most issues.

    Oddly enough, though, we differ drastically on a few. For instance, I disagree with almost everything in this post... except for the line that Gov. Palin is a "better shot than Dick Cheney!"

    Yet somehow I find this disagreement encouraging. I have heard that, long ago, there was a time when men of good will, equally committed to the welfare of the Republic, could disagree respectfully on the route to that goal. A time when Republicans and Democrats could debate the issues on their merits, without attacking one another personally.

    And here, in this tiny corner of the blogosphere, it seems we have wandered into a time warp, returning to the days when men (and women) of good will could disagree on issues without doubting each others' character or sincerity.

    So, "Let the better team win." I'm going to work as hard as I can to ensure that Sarah Palin's political career ends in Juneau, and I know that Lagniappe's human companion will do the best he can to ensure a different result. The bottom line is, we both want what's best for the Unites States of America... and how can that be bad?

  4. It's all good, Bob. There's always room for civil disagreement and discourse, and the arena of public debate serves to test differing ideas and theories.

    Now let it be said that I'm still not supporting McCain nearly as much as I'm opposing Obama and all of his supporters, most of whom have documented histories of supporting an agenda that has seldom failed to restrict and impoverish the free men and women of this great country. To paraphrase Edmund Burke, Democrats triumph when good Americans do nothing. ;-)

  5. Actually, I thought Edmund Burke said, "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat."

    Or was that Ambrose Bierce..... or Will Rogers... or Jon Stewart...?

  6. I can't see Will Rogers, the "man who never met a man that he didn't like", creating and spreading all the vicious gossip about Mrs. Palin the way that the Democrats and their minions are doing these days. He had far too much class to be a Democrat today.

  7. I was so excited when I found out she was the VP selection!!! I liked her when I lived in Alaska and I am only voting for McCain now because of her. I figured he won't live much longer as he is so old and then she will be the president when he croaks!!! :)
    Otherwise, I was actually thinking of boycotting the voting process this year. I hate both Obama and McCain. SHE is the only reason I am voting.

  8. Why is there so much shame attached to being a single mother among Republicans that getting married at 17 is considered the "right thing"? There is no shame in putting your education first so that you can care for your family in the future and THEN decide whether or not you want to be married. The first person we have sex with is not always the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with. And if your family is truly supportive, they'll support you the decision to stay single, too.

    Who is READY to be a parent AND a spouse at 17? It's difficult enough going to school. Just because you've made one mistake does not mean you have to pile another one one top of it.

    Personally, I hope Bristol makes the decision SHE wants and that she isn't sacrificed on the altar of her mother's political beliefs and ambitions. After all, Bristol is the one who has to live with this decision the rest of her life, not Sara, the politician.

  9. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Amen and I agree.
