Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Reason #1 why I don't have any nice plants in my yard

Well there were two of them on my yard today. I only managed to film this one as she defoliated my shrubs about 15 feet from my window.

How much longer until deer season?

1 comment:

  1. 15 feet? Break out the .44 Magnum, brother! You don't even need a scope for that shot!

    Looks like you even have a nice natural backstop there - you don't have to worry about hitting the neighbors house!

    Just crack the window and open fire! Think of how much you'll save on camo!

    Of course, the deer have opening day marked on their calendars, and when that day arrives, you won't see them at all - they'll all be holed up in some impenetrable-to-humans thicket somewhere laughing at all the humans trudging through the woods with their boomsticks.
