Monday, April 25, 2011

More from last week

Aaron over at The Shekel demonstrates the concept of "Better Late Than Never".


  1. Saw all those links and empty's going all over and thought you might take a look at this.

  2. It was kind of hard to tell from the video, but it seemed that spent brass and links were flying about an inch and a half from your nose! Are there left-hand compensations you have to make with that thing?

  3. @ Scott: Actually it was far enough away from my face that it wasn't an issue. But M60s are not known for being overly left-handed-friendly.

    @ Jon: The gun piles both brass and links up in a pretty small area so recovering them isn't hard.

  4. Ah, kids today, no ability to delay gratification.

    Worth the wait no?

  5. Nice! And oh, what a familiar sound :-) Just missing the whop, whop, whop overhead :-)
