Wednesday, December 28, 2011

An outbreak of illegal immigrants will strain our recovery like a virus--this is not a drill

Also: 'deaths', 'collapse', 'human to animal' and 'trojan'.

What the hell am I talking about, you ask?

Well it appears that Obama's Department of Homeland Security is now setting up fake Facebook accounts so that it's minions and henchmen can scan the internet looking for blogs and other discussion content using those words.

Tweeting the word "drill" could mean that your twitter account is read by U.S. spies.

So aside from the fact that we're now going to pay government employees to surf the internet all day (as if most of them don't do this illicitly already), we've now got our public servants rulers peering into our on-line activities and trying to discern our true identities if we type something that's politically not-so-correct.

Yeah, nothing bad can ever come of that, right?

So if they want to pay that sort of game, I want to be on the other side--the freedom-loving, Constitution-respecting side. And if they want a fight with us real Americans, let it begin here at the Lair.

How about you? If we ALL use these words...


  1. I'm missing something: what does the word "drill" have to do with anything other than energy production?

  2. I'll make sure and tease if I'm not already on their books...

  3. If we all use those words we all get rounded up and shipped off to those camps in Oklahoma or wherever that don't exist.

  4. OH hell, what's ONE more list... :-)

  5. Oh, and what were you doing flying inside the Beltway today?

    That should move things along, huh?

  6. Screw 'em. I'm in. I'll have something up in a day or two.

  7. Hm... Throw "Second Amendment" and "survival" in there, too. Maybe "militia" as well.

  8. Using FB, MS & like Social network's for data mining isn't a new thing in LE. Having the capabilities to get intrusive with it is more of a private sector or Federal Agency thing though. Key word's in cell phone, text's and e-mail has been with us a while now. Information overload limit's the use of all of these tool's though.

  9. So, the phrase "human to animal drilling without trojan brand" will attract gov attention? Huh.

    BTW, the new WV scheme sucks.
