Monday, February 27, 2012

What a Thoughtful Dog

I came in from work this morning and discovered that Murphy saved my the trouble of feeding him by feeding himself--he'd dragged his sack of dog food into the living room and eviscerated it on the floor to get at what little dog food was still in there. Fortunately the 40lb. bag was almost empty, but now this means that I can no longer leave the bag in the corner of the kitchen on the floor. Until today, he'd never touched it. But apparently someone was hungry and/or bored.



  1. baby lock the cabinet you put it in....

  2. A very considerate dog. Saving you the trouble of digging into the bag to feed him, keeping himself entertained and doing his best to dispose of the empty bag. You're a lucky man!

  3. Ha ha! Blu climbed up on the kitchen counter Saturday, opened the cabinet door, and pulled out the cat food bag to help himself. I wonder if he and Murphy have been e-mailing.

  4. And now begin the tales of finding a container that Murphy can't figure out how to get into!

    Just to get you started, my father-in-law keeps a bag of fish food by his pond to keep the bluegills and catfish fed, and he uses a galvanized metal trash can with a bungee hooked on the side handles and threaded through the handle on the lid. That seems to keep the coons out pretty well.

  5. I've got 5 German Shepherds (used to have only 2...) and they are so smart and determined, well there's no way they're democrats, I'm certain.
    I'd like to send you an article on prosthetics, if I can. I also have some pics of my pooches. One in particular will make you lonesome.

  6. Ah, the tactician eh? Good luck with that!

  7. Here's a hint if you actually feed him more than once a week he might not do that. BTW, if he ate that much might be a good idea to leave him outside till he gets it out of his system (if you know what I mean)

  8. He is definitely a smart dog!! :)
