"Just waiting on the cats, or that terrorist in the big brown truck."
No, Murphy. I keep telling you that the UPS guy is our friend. He BRINGS us stuff. Let him pass. And hold off on firing on stray scout cats; they're only probing and you'll just give the gun's position away. Don't engage unless you've got at least six of them in a bunch.
"OK, but the minute that Animal Control truck turns up our road, he's toast. Now how about you toss a couple of steaks on the grill? All this security stuff is making me hungry."
Just another day at the Lair. So how's your Saturday going?
OK, with 2 steaks Murph is covered, but what will you eat?
ReplyDeleteMowed a couple of lawns this morning. A normally two-hour proceedure (elderly lady's lawn across the street, plus my own) took almost four hours due to VERY healthy yards (lots of rain recently, and had to skip mowing last weekend due to some nasty crud that moved south into my lungs), tipping my lawn mower over the wrong way while trying to clear soggy grass out from the blade area resulted in hydro-locking the engine, necessitating a scramble through Google-ville and some subsequent small-motor maintenance by a non-small-motor-mechanical guy(myself), which ultimately led to an unlocked motor, two mowed yards, one very tired Alien, and an even longer run-on-sentence.
ReplyDeleteGood boy, Murph!
ReplyDeleteMurphy gets a treat! (extra rare)
ReplyDeleteLike my job isn't dangerous enough as it is... now I have to practice doing Jim Rockford style reverse 180's in the dog truck :)
ReplyDelete@ Paladin: LOL! Sorry, but the Murphster's got a bit of a history with the AC folks.
ReplyDeleteSpent the morning at the dealership... Truck was due for maintenance, now poorer... sigh
ReplyDeleteSorry drJim. Once again I erred and hit "delete" instead of "publish".
ReplyDeleteHowever the comment was:
drjim has left a new comment on your post "Guard Dog Overwatch":
Hydraulic lock = pull spark plug, turn over engine.
Was it running when this happened? If it was, you're lucky you didn't break what passes for a "connecting rod" in those small engines.
Just finished mom & stepfather's 2012 taxes. After fully explaining the number crunching and adding finishing touches by them tomorrow, the taxes will be done. I wonder how busy the post office will be on Monday morning?
ReplyDeleteYour day sounds way more fun! So what will you be eating after Murphy steals the steaks?
Barbeque sounds good. We're waiting for a bit more of the snow to melt, but I'm getting impatient. But +1 to Brigid's remark about an extra-rare treat for Murph. Good boy!
ReplyDeleteML: Yep, that's exactly what I ended up doing. I had stopped the motor and flipped it over to clear some wet grass accumulation from the blade, and when I tilted it back on its wheels and went to start it, it decided to lock up. Done that quite a few times before, never had it freeze like that, though. Tilted it backwards after removing the sparkplug, had the Wife stand on the handle to keep it upwards, and got the blade to turn manually. After that, just cranked the pull-cord a dozen or so times with the sparkplug out, then reassembled everything, gassed it up again, and was on my merry way. Air filter is shot due to gas leaking on it, so I had to pick up a new one this afternoon, but other than that it mowed both lawns like a champ. I usually try not to go so long between mowings, since the neighbor's yard will (literally) be waist-high in places, but with rain and whatever respiratory crud is going around, I didn't have much choice. Learned something new about small motors, though, so I guess that's a good thing.
ReplyDeleteSo is that the M-60 now? Inquiring minds want to know. And yes the brown truck of happiness drivers ARE friends. Good Dog!
ReplyDeleteNow THAT is a secure AO!
ReplyDeleteFor the bees I recommend 1 1/8 ounces of number 8 shot. Or a flamethrower. Come to think of it, that might work on the birds as well.
Good dog Murph. Bravo!
ReplyDeleteMurphy gives a whole new meaning to the term guard dog.Good Murphy.