Monday, February 10, 2014

Activist who demanded felony charges for gun carriers catches his own gun case.

Fresh off the top of the "you just can't make this stuff up" stack comes this tale of Dwayne Ferguson, a community organizer in Buffalo, New York, who, after spending a ton of time and energy on bullying the state legislature into making it a felony to bring a concealed weapon into any school grounds, was arrested after he personally sparked a lockdown and SWAT response by carrying his own concealed firearm into a school.

Community activist charged after gun scare at school

This is a guy who, until recently, believed that if you or I took our lawfully-carried handguns into a school, we deserved to go to prison. And now here he is, right where he wanted us to be. Of course now, he's trying to lie his way out, assisted by "associates" and police sources who keep telling us that they don't think that he had any wrongful intent.

Associates defend man who had gun in school

Well here's a newsflash, defenders of Dwayne: None of the other citizens who have concealed weapons permits likely have any wrongful intent either, but I doubt that you'd be so quick to stand up for one of them should they have walked into that school to pick up their sick kid or attend a parent-teacher meeting with their own firearms. No, most of you would be calling for them to go to jail, and until a few days ago, Dwayne Ferguson would have been standing right next to you with a megaphone, demanding full prosecution for the offender. So how can any of you make excuses for him now?

And speaking of excuses, Dwayne's excuse that "he didn't know that he was carrying his handgun" is total crap and anyone who has ever carried a handgun knows it. I've personally carried one nearly every day for two decades and there hasn't been a moment in all that time that I was unaware of it's presence on my person. Aside from the weight and bulk, you develop a certain mindset that revolves around the weapon on your hip and it becomes part and parcel of the way that you walk, move, act, etc., It's no more possible to forget that it's there than you could forget wearing a backpack full of rocks. And even if we credit Dwayne's claim--and I don't for one minute--it still doesn't excuse him not stepping forward when he learned that the police were there looking for a man with a gun. But he did that, too. He stood there with his concealed pistol and let the police manhandle every single kid in that school and a good number of the other adults after that search turned up nothing. It wasn't until they got around to searching him as one of the last adults in the building that the weapon was discovered. Are you going to tell me that he didn't remember that he had it once during all of that time? Don't bother, because I won't buy it.

Now Dwayne is facing the same felony charge that he wanted put on any of the rest of us, and I find myself in the position of actually supporting a law that I would normally oppose, because as much as I disagree with felony charges for law-abiding citizens exercising their rights to enter public buildings, I'm willing to make an exception, just this once, in Dwayne's case. You see, it's what he would have wanted had it been any of the rest of us. And had it been any of the rest of us, you can bet that the District Attorney and the presiding judge would be going forward with a felony case. Let's see if this travesty spins out into some sort of special break, just for Dwayne Ferguson.


  1. No need to worry about Dwayne. He's on their team, he will be fine.

    1. And frankly, that's what I expect. But integrity demands that they either repeal this law in it's entirety or uphold it and sacrifice Dwayne in their efforts to get a few of the rest of us. Sadly, the liberal Democrats running New York lack integrity so Dwayne'll probably have the charges dropped and get his gun back as soon as the hoopla blows over...but the next parent that gets caught with their gun at that school will do time, especially if they aren't a proven Democrat stalwart.

  2. Notice something missing from these reports? The type of firearm. Maybe, it is a semi automatic with an illegal sized "bullet feeding mechanism".

  3. Integrity?? That is something that is long gone. Time we woke up and realized this society is in decline. At some point, someone is going to take action. Sadly, I suspect too few, ending badly.

  4. On further reflection, ol' Dwayne is arrogant, or stupid, but I repeat myself. Once he saw the po po patting down everyone, he could have found a place to stash the pistol. Since he was a frequent visitor, he could have retrieved it at a later date.

    Anonomous caller? Wonder what female he enraged?

    1. My thinking is that the police likely corralled all of the people in one area before he could divest himself of it, and then he tried to bluff it out and failed. But yeah--someone dimed him, that's for sure.

  5. Interesting... to say the least...

  6. Hey Murphy;

    Ain't shadenfreude a bitch? He figures that the rules are for the great unwashed masses and not for the liberal elite types. If he wasn't as tool for the democraps, they would nail him to the nearest wall. But since he is a good little stooge, they will prolly let him walk with "community service" and time served.

  7. Petard; Own; His; Hoisted by.

    Hope he enjoys the food in the joint.

  8. Anonymous1:17 AM

    More Liberal arrogance.
