Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Come on, Dogs.

So Murphy and Belle were tussling and wrestling around in my living room as I was trying to read. Lots of shoving and growling and things getting knocked about. Finally I had enough. I separated the two dogs and told them both to lie down. Murphy headed off into the bedroom to sleep on his dog bed and Belle went to the living room dog rug but soon got up again and wandered off to play somewhere else. A few minutes later, she was back, trailing a streamer of about twelve feet of paper towel as she ran through the living room. She'd found a roll in the library and apparently it appealed to her as a substitute for pestering Murphy.


I put my book down, got up, took the paper towel away from her and gathered up what was left of the roll. Then I called Murphy back in and set them on each other again. Some things are just easier to ignore than others. At least when they're scrapping with each other, they leave MY stuff alone.


  1. MY stuff? You have no Stuff. There's only Murphy's stuff, Belle's stuff and that which has not been decided upon yet.

  2. At first I thought, "Wow, having Belle and Murphy around are just like having my oldest granddaughter here for a long visit." Then I realized, as much energy as my granddaughter has, there's only one of her. You have, in essence, two hyperactive three year-olds on the premises. There's gotta be a special place in heaven for you my friend. (Where all the dogs behave and paper towels always stay on the roll.)

  3. sigh, paper goods and dogs.

    Rip's made it "snow" in the backyard and in her room...first she got her jaws on paper towels, then on an entire pack of TP. her half brother used to devour any and all paper goods he could find.

  4. Hahahahaha!!!! (Sez the person whose kitten unrolled the toilet paper in the hall bathroom one day.)

  5. At least it wasn't your last roll of T.P.

  6. Ours tend to knock our stuff over. They're taking a brief intermission from tussling at present.
