Friday, June 06, 2014


Las Vegas...pretty at night, but daylight is not so kind to it. I wasn't sorry to leave it and after a pleasant drive through the desert in triple-digit temperatures, I'm now safely ensconced at Casa de Six, bunking with Six, his charming wife Lu, and Angus the Wonder Dog. The terrain and scenery are wild out here and the temperatures...yeah, it's a dry heat. Like an oven. But come morning, the shooty fun begins. Two days of fun under the warm Utah sun with AR carbines. And I brought a thousand rounds for mine and I don't plan on carting any of it home..


  1. Give them my best, and Angus a pat from Abby and myself. Sounds like serious fun. I am actually (first time in a while) free of all duty this weekend, and am going to get to the range. With my brother's situation and a fair bit of leave used to take care of Dad, it's been a few months, and there will be rust.

  2. It takes a while for the "dry heat" to be appreciated, but that time frame can be accelerated by visiting, say Houston, in the summer. Then it doesn't feel so bad.
    In any case, sounds like you're going to have fun, so enjoy!

  3. Nice. Have a great time and a great class. Wish I was there too.

  4. Utah sun? Las Vegas?

  5. Enjoy, and shoot em good!

  6. Sounds like a great trip!

  7. Have a great gun skool! Have fun.
