Tuesday, August 26, 2014

OK, that was impressive.

I'm angry, but still impressed.

I came home tonight to find an empty can of dog food on the floor. Normally I don't feed canned food, but I had two cans left over from back when Murphy was a new dog who wasn't eating dried food, and they were part of our emergency supply. Somehow, one of the cans got knocked off the shelf that it was on, and one of the dogs found it while I was gone. I can't prove which one, but circumstantial evidence points to Murphy. This dog got it's mouth around the can and bit down hard enough to blow the top off the can, at which point that dog ate the contents of that can then took the can into the living room to play with.

Now I'm not happy about the theft and the unauthorized feeding, but I can get over that.
I'm really not happy about the mess that I had to clean up because the can of food apparently did not sit well in the thief's tummy, a tummy that's now used to dried food.

But biting a can of dog food open? OK, that's kinda cool, even if it was wrong. That's some serious bite pressure, right there.

Note to self: Be very glad that these dogs are loyal to me. There's some major destructive power in those jaws and they'll use it to defend me and The Lair if they have to.

Note to self #2: Don't ever piss them off.


  1. You've had no successes in dog proofing the house have you? Smart dogs are a mixed blessing but still preferable to not so smart ones.

    1. Anything less than fife feet off the ground is really theirs if they want it. I can't put the whole house five feet off the ground so I've got to convince them that that stuff is MINE. It usually works, but when they get bored or hungry and it's food...

      And yeah, smart dogs can be a source of much frustration but even more pride. It's usually worth the extra aggravation. If I just wanted a critter to simply eat, sleep and sit around and look bored all the time, I'd have my nephew down more often.

  2. WoW, that's a new one!

  3. I'd be sure to check his lower front legs to see if he has any anchor tattoos. If he does, he might be a 'Popeye' canine - able to open cans without an opener.

    Ug ug ug ug ug ug ug!

  4. Wow!

    Reading that I'm not sure I would chance visiting you unannounced :)

  5. Well, you can hardly blame the dogs. It was manna from heaven.

    1. I don't blame them usually. If they get something through my negligence, that's on me. But that's harder to remember when they make a mess.

  6. Hey Murphy,

    I take it that Murphy goes through rawhide's like a shark goes through a surfer?

  7. Please tell me it was one of those pop tops with the little tab...because if it wasn't....whoah!!! I am wondering if the can was defective somehow and let air in which allowed him to pop it open a little bit easier. Not taking anything away from his powerful jaw, but maybe that is the reason he got sick from the contents of the can's contamination. Soft dog food shouldn't have made him ill especially if you normally take him out for ice cream cones. :-)

    1. Yes, it was a pop-top can, but it was one of the large ones, and pretty substantial. I think I could jump on that can and probably not blow the top off But "Jaws" seemed to get in there just fine. And I did suspect the food too, which is why I'm getting rid of the other can, because they are WAY out of date.

  8. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Be thankful they are not cats!
    Cats will kill you in your sleep, or when awake.


  9. I've been told that Shepherds bite down around 300 PSI.

    John of the GMA

  10. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Note to self #2: Don't ever piss them off. When in doubt see Note to self #2

  11. You REALLY need to write books. We LOVE your writing!
