Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Oh yeah? Suppressor race continues

In keeping pace with The Miller's challenge, my completed suppressor transfer packet hit the mail yesterday. Priority. And I enclosed $5.00 suggesting that the examiners "misplace" his for a few days.


  1. I'll check back in in 7 months to see who's winning.

    It'd be faster, but they are busy arming the cartels.

    In a perfect world, every firearm would ship like cars - with it's own muffler.

  2. Good luck, im waiting on an efile form 4 from the middle of January. That should have took 3 to 4 months. Dont even want to think about the paper form 4 i did in april. The silencer shop did a blog post saying paper fom 4's are at under 6 months but i dont believe it.
