Monday, October 19, 2015

Blogshoot reminder.

Just a head's up that it's this coming Saturday. Usual range in eastern WV, starting at 10-ish. (Range actually opens at 9, so come as you like and go when you must.)

Dinner afterwards with the gang of usual suspects at the conclusion around 2-ish or so. And those of you coming in the night before or staying over Saturday night, other entertainment has been arranged, so be sure to let me know.

Cost is donation, with every penny taken in over the range fees going to a local charity to do good things. Bring as many guns as you like, and expect to see machine guns, suppressed guns and a .50 rifle or two. (And most owners will let you shoot them if you buy the ammo.)

If you are reading this, you're welcome. For RSVP and range info, drop me at e-mail at and come out planning to have a great time.


  1. Looking forward to it! See you Saturday!!!

    1. All hail the King of the Usual Suspects! Looking forward to seeing you there too, Sir!

  2. Wish I could join you guys, but I really can't afford the airfare......

    1. Two words: "Road trip!"

    2. Hmmmmm....that's about 5 travel days each way, plus gas @16.5MPG, and unless I want to "Sleep In The Jeep", I'd have to find CHEEP hotels along the way.

      Just too damn old to sleep in the car.....

    3. Gettin' old is hell... but daggone isn't that whole indoor plumbing and clean sheets thing nice? I've noticed my tolerance for roughing it decreasing over the years.

  3. Brendan and I are looking forward to it. he is hopeful that whoever brought along the M60 last year will have it there again this time round. With that hope in mind, I'll be bringing along some ammo for it.

    We should get down that way on Friday night but probably way too late to meet up with anyone. Anyway we are staying in Inwood at the Hampton Inn which I guess is a bit further way than where most will stay but we are getting the room for free (points) and I couldn't turn that down. Looking forward to being there.

    All the best,
    Glenn B

    1. You're going to be about a half hour up the road. And around here, everything is about a half hour away...

  4. Wish I could make it but kids needing to see college campus that that probably won't attend seems to take precedence. ..
