Wednesday, February 10, 2016

It's a small world indeed...

So prior to my move, I'm starting to e-mail my new co-workers to find out what's what at the new job.

My new direct subordinate already knows of me. He recently worked at another location under a former supervisor of mine here, a guy that has not done me so much as favor #1 as long as I've known him, despite him having had more than a couple chances to do the right thing by me when I'd needed it. Yet my new Number Two tells me that his friend--my soon-to-be former boss--has spoken highly of me and given me a more-than-decent reference...and he sure sounds sincere about it, so we'll see how it plays out.

Yep. Definitely a small world.

And in related news, I just put an offer in on what may well become "Lagniappe's Lair South".

The only thing that makes me kinds sad is that Lagniappe isn't here to see it. I think that he'd have liked it.


  1. Here's hoping it all works out!

  2. And is part of the new home planning going to involve an escape resistant yard for your two buddies?

    Good luck, looking forward to more posts of the adventure.

    1. It's got a small but nice back yard with a high solid fence. Shopped it with Belle in mind.

  3. I hope "Lagniappe's Lair South" isn't within the flood risk area of New Orleans. BTDT in 2005, as you've probably read in my blog archives. Further out of town is better - on the mainland side of Lake Pontchartrain is worth it, despite the longer commute.

  4. Glad things are progressing for you and those two troublemakers =)

  5. Here is a blogger that will be a little north of you,

  6. Well, I'm certainly out of the loop. I'd better go do a little research to see what's up.

  7. Email me the area you put in the offer. Will you have to sit for the dreaded LA bar?

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      The LA bar is not all that bad, hell I passed it and it has been dumbed down some since that day

    2. It's still three days of essay exams, right?

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      nope, not all essay any longer but still takes 3 days. The use a fair number of short answer/pick one questions along with some essay, rather varies subject to subject. Fed Ct, which I grade, tends to be a lot of pick it questions now. They are looking at a more realistic exam but not gonna do it too soon. has the scoop.

  8. Welcome to Louisiana! I've been reading your blog for a while and have commented once or twice. My brother is the displaced Louisiana guy, and my father is Pawpaw, from pawpaws house. I just wanted to extend a warm welcome to you and the pups from a longtime reader. If you are ever near Alexandria and need something, you can reach me at mattdezendorf@hotmaildotcom
