Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Gotta use 'em up...

A lot of these anti-B.O. memes are gonna stale out in three more weeks.


  1. And with that posture, you know he's only going to swing that pick once!

  2. Well in 17 days Obama's Administration will finally be 'shovel ready'.

  3. Then he gets on his girl's bike and minces away...


  4. I won't miss the memes, Barack or his coterie of misfits.

  5. Snerk... And agree with LL!

  6. I'm so glad this pathetic clown show of an administration is on its way out. Obama is a sad, small, pathetic individual.

  7. To be fair, most politicians have never done a day's physical work in their lives. They're usually lawyers or some other type of desk jockey. The only time they have a tool (other than a pen or a computer mouse) in their hands is when they try to con a group of voters with a photo op.
    That said, is it January 20 yet?

  8. OK, gotta step into the pool, those who love the Don? He never worked a day either. He started with enough cash, to have a wage slave do the work. Even our purfumed princes had to work their way at least one day. So don't count on the Don unless you need Teflon,to slide the responsibility.
