Monday, January 07, 2019


My father would have been 77 today.

So in his memory, I took his guns out to shoot them. But I was denied, as the only area shotgun range is flooded and closed.

Still...they're going to get a good cleaning tonight nonetheless. With a good western on the TV and a beer or two afterwards.

My Father's Guns.

Not forgotten. I wish we'd had more time.


  1. It's the thoughts that count.

  2. Hey Murphy

    You are shooting his guns, it is like he is there and that ain't a bad thing.

  3. My grandfather was an avid bird hunter, and as such, he had a few shotguns. None fancy, but all solid representations of what actual sportsmen used in the '30s, '40s and '50s, and he kept them well-maintained.

    I was fortunate to have a few occasions to hunt doves and ducks with him before he died when I was 18. Several years ago, I took great pride in carrying his LCS SxS afield pheasant hunting, even though arguably I have a couple of other modern guns better suited for that purpose. It just felt right to do.

    Oldest son recently suggested we go out sometime soon to shoot a case or two of clays. Thanks to your post, I believe I will include the old SxS on that outing.

    Best wishes for some drier weather in NOLA to celebrate fond remembrances of your Dad.

  4. I took my 7yo son squirrel hunting this year and we got his first squirrel with my grandpa's 20 guage. My pop would be so proud.
