Saturday, April 04, 2020

Range Report

Happy to report the old Marlin Glenfield shot well. There were a few hiccups feeding and ejecting in the first half dozen rounds or so but after that everything seemed to settle in and the rest of a hundred rounds fired perfectly. It groups nice but a little low and left at 25m and I think the rear sight is a bit bent. I’ll try to straighten it but if I can’t a new used one is cheap enough. I think it also would be well served with a new recoil spring but as it stands, “Katrina” is functional and good to go. I’m kinda proud of it.


  1. Outstanding! Perfect .22 for the upcoming apocalypse (scheduled for next Thursday, 9:07 AM)

  2. I have a "thing" for old 22s. The history of Katrina makes it quite awesome. Good and interesting score.

  3. Good on you for fixing this one up! I have collected (mumble mumble) wall hangers over the years and it’s always gratifying to turn them back into something functional. Doesn’t matter if it’s cost effective really. If we were into guns for the money we would call it a business, not a hobby.
