Wednesday, June 07, 2006

America wins as hate loses in San Diego election

Self-avowed Angry Liberal Francine Busby has lost the special election to fill the seat vacated by disgraced former Congressman Duke Cunningham in San Diego, showing us all that hate alone can't get you elected.

Busby ran against former Congressman and lobbyist Brian Bilbray and the election was marked by some of the most bitter and dishonest campaigning , all of it launched by Busby.

Busby made it a point to build her campaign around attacks on the Bush administration, Republicans in general and her opponent. She consistently refused to speak civilly to or about her opponent and always referred to him as "the lobbyist Bilbray" in an attempt to smear him before potential voters.

Busby was also discovered to have been secretly paying for ads supporting another challenger in the race--independent candidate Ed Roach--in the hopes that the extremely conservative Roach would draw enough anti-Busby votes away from Bilbray to allow her to win. This blatant violation of campaign finance law was uncovered by Bilbray's staff and exposed on Sean Hannity's radio show last week and apparently Busby was counting on that dirty trick getting her into office before the Federal Election Commission could respond and sanction her.

Busby raised and spent millions of dollars in this race, much of it sent from anti-Bush fanatics all across the country. But she didn't have an agenda that promised anything except the idea of being able to gloat about winning a seat from the GOP and she didn't offer anything positive.

Republican Brian Bilbray on the other hand focused on the issues and refrained from the mud-slinging that Busby constantly engaged in. He ran on a platform that centered around securing our borders and keeping illegal aliens out and San Diego voters could identify with that issue as that city is overrun with illegals. Busby on the other hand courted hispanics--including illegal aliens--and was recently caught on tape at one meeting telling an admitted illegal alien that he and others like him could still vote for her illegally because "you don't need papers to vote."

Well the smoke is clearing this morning and Republican Brian Bilbray appears to have won the day. This victory shows the nation that a clear plan for moving America forward and a clean campaign beats vicious mudslinging and hate. It also dealt a blow to the Dems who have been claiming that they were going to take this seat this election and the rest of the House in November because of voter anger over Iraq and the "GOP corruption scandal" that Democrats tried to manufacture following Cunningham's resignation. Of course if you keep reading down, you'll see that the corruption chickens have really come home to roost at the Democrat's own barn and while the voters nationwide may not be too keen on the GOP these days, they don't exactly see the Dems as being any better.

Congratulations Congressman Bilbray. America is lucky to have another strong supporter of strong borders joining the House team!

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