Well the whiny-baby loser fringe that's known for filing such lawsuits and jamming up our courts now has a new poster-loser: Raelyn Campbell.
A few months ago, Miss Campbell took her laptop computer to Best Buy for warranty repairs. Best Buy then stupidly and inexcusably lost her computer somehow. (Well they are idiots...) Miss Campbell of course demanded that they compensate her for it and the store eventually gave her back her full purchase price for the computer plus a $500.00 gift card for her trouble. Now I'm not a fan of Best Buy by any means...in fact I abhor the place and the indifferent college kids who work there, if you can call ignoring the customers all day "working", but I actually have to side with the store over this immature wanna-be princess because she accepted the payment and gift card and then turned around and filed a lawsuit in Washington D.C. Superior Court demanding $54,000,000 from Best Buy.
Of course she claims that she's just doing it to get attention. Well DUH! That's the same reason that spoiled toddlers throw tantrums in the check-out line when they don't get the candy bar that they want. The rationale is that if the toddler--or Raelyn--doesn't get what it/she desires, then everyone else has to get dragged into the drama.
In this case, after the store gave her the full purchase price of the computer and the gift card, she turned around and demanded $2100.00 more, claiming that she "lost" thousands of songs. (Songs which were probably illegally downloaded or else she'd simply be able to reinstall them on her new computer.) When the store didn't cave in, she filed this lawsuit demanding $54 million dollars. The store then offered her $2500.00 in addition to what they'd already paid her but she refused, claiming that she's now entitled to compensation for time that she spent filing police reports and going to court to file this lawsuit.
Again, while no fan of Best Buy--I won't ever shop there again--I have to call Raelyn Campbell what she really is: A money-grubbing whore and a parasite on our legal system and our culture in general.
I'm willing to bet that Raelyn has been pampered and spoiled her whole life by over-indulgent parents who have taught her that she deserves anything that she wants in life, and we're all seeing how her sense of self-entitlement is manifesting itself in this attention-seeking get-rich-quick lawsuit even after the store has offered her far more than she lost or is legitimately entitled to. But Princess Raelyn isn't a victim here. The victims are the rest of us as we all wind up paying more for consumer goods and services across the board due to Raelyn and all the other Raelyns that run around every day trying to grab more than they've got coming and abusing our court system to get what they want as opposed to just what they really have coming.
So as much as I despise illegal aliens, I say that we grab Raelyn Campbell up and deport her to El Salvador, Guatemala or Mexico and call it a fair trade for one of the illegal aliens already in our country, ideally one that has a job, stays out of trouble, and doesn't go around frivolously suing everyone and running to the media with "poor me" tales of woe.
There are some people who just live to sue others. She is definitely one of them. She should have been grateful BestBuy at least refunded her for the lost computer. Most companies would not even do that much.
ReplyDeleteyou self-centered, one dimensioned people really make me sick. what would you do if you were in the position she was in:
ReplyDelete1. susceptible to identity fraud- because of someone elses negligence
2. pissed off- because you'd been given the run around and lied to for more than 7 months about something YOU paid for with YOUR hard earned money
what would you do? you act like no one has ever screwed you over. why don't you site sources and try a little empathy, asswipe?
This was taken from the link YOU provided:
"At the same time, she visited a legal aid office and was asked by a lawyer there whether she had any personal information on the computer?
"Of course I did," she replied. "My tax returns were on there."
Campbell was informed that she had a bigger problem than a lost computer – the potential for identity theft. She also learned that Best Buy was in violation of the district's security breach notification law, which requires companies that have lost a consumer's data to tell them. To date, she has not received that notification.
Campbell immediately enrolled in a $10-a-month identity theft monitoring service.
She also had reached the limit of her patience. In November, she filed her $54 million lawsuit against Best Buy -- by herself, without legal representation."
This will teach Best Buy a lesson. I purchased some DVDs at best buy last year through on line. My pick up receipts show other customers information in the back (name, phone address, purchase info). The manager didnt seem to care about what on my receipts. Now, I wonder what would happened if I call those other customers and inform them about this. :)
ReplyDeleteHey anonymous Raelyn supporter (probably a relative)...
ReplyDeleteJust take this as a warning of what will happen when you displease the little princess. She'll doubtlessly sue you too, especially if she thinks that you've got some money that she can grub.
And you may not heed this, but it's a slam-dunk that many potential employers will when they consider her for a job and Google her. Would you want someone this malicious, petty, selfish and greedy working for you? Oh HELL no! And no guy worth a damn will want a leech like that in his life either, which means that she's looking at excellent odds of going through life either alone or with a series of low-rent hook-up guys.
Bottom line is, people make mistakes. (Probably even precious little Raelyn.) The mark of character is how people set things right and here, Best Buy gave her all her money back plus $500 more to boot. What else does she think that she has a right to? Geez...
It's little grubber parasites like her and enablers like you that just sap all of the good out of America.
Sure, the lawsuit is ridiculous, but it gives the public attention that Best Buy doesn't have the systems in place to protect merchandise brought in for repair.
ReplyDeleteBest Buy never should have tried to cover up the fact that the laptop was lost or stolen. They strung her along for months even though they knew the truth.
Because Best Buy doesn't care, they deserve all the negative publicity bring brought on them.
I have my own bad experiences with the Geek Squad and I would never give Best Buy my money ever again. There's too many other places in town and online to shop.
If you're buying through Best Buy you're there because you're up to your neck in credit card debt and want to finance something over a long period of time through their easy credit - not because you're getting a good deal or good service.
And to call Ms Campbell a "whore", though, is pretty tacky and sexist.
"If you're buying through Best Buy you're there because you're up to your neck in credit card debt and want to finance something over a long period of time through their easy credit - not because you're getting a good deal or good service."
ReplyDelete~ Um, no offense, but not everyone that purchases items at Best Buy is in debt. Some of us do not even own a credit card because we believe in remaining debt-free and actually SAVING up the money needed for our purchases. And then we shop where we are able to find the best deal - whether that be at Best Buy, Walmart, Sears, or wherever.
~Also, as one who is in Law Enforcement and also happens to be a victim of identity theft (that would be me), ID theft can happen to anyone of any status anywhere at anytime. I can understand her concern but there are appropriate measures to take once you suspect you have been a victim. And I should know.