Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hollywood's good old days

Watching this clip over at Bayou Renaissance Man reminded me of the day when Hollywood stars were used to working live and just dealing with it when things got a bit sideways on the set.

So what happens when two entertainers doing a live show are working with horses that obviously haven't read the script? Enjoy watching two great stars of days past as they joke and sing and improvise repeatedly due to the restlessness of their horses.

Modern-day "stars" like George Clooney or that horse's ass Alec Baldwin would have stomped off in a hissy fit ten seconds into the horses' antics, but Dean Martin and Lorne Greene were better than them and the rest of today's crop of no-talent pretty boys on their worst day. They rose to the occasion and just worked with it when things didn't go as planned. That was what set real showmen apart from today's script-reading pretty-boys.


  1. And it was way more entertaining than if it had all gone smoothly.

  2. That they were... Drunk OR sober, better than 98% of what we have today!
