Saturday, April 05, 2014

Should've just bought a hamster...

I'm still under the weather, but I figured that I at least owed the dogs some playtime, so I loaded them up and took them to the dog park so that they could run and play with other dogs and blow some steam off.

After a bit of play, they both went over and hit one of the common water bowls set out for the dogs as I stood talking to a couple of other dog owners. Suddenly, for no reason that I could fathom, Murphy ran up to me, jumped up on his hind legs, and gave me a big lick, square across my mouth, leaving me with the taste of that nasty water out of that dog bowl.

Sizing the situation up perfectly, one of the women I was talking to smiled and said "You've just been kissed by every dog in the park."

Disgusting dog. A hamster would not have done that to me.


  1. Well you can either be fastidious or you can have a dog. You can not do both! LOL!

  2. ROFL!!! We now have a Great Dane. He does the same. Loves to get a drink and then come use your arm/shirt/back-of-head as his napkin.

  3. Remind Murphy that hamster poop is easier to clean up, too.

  4. Anonymous10:05 PM

    At least it was not toilet water

  5. No, a hamster just pees in your hands.

  6. Heh, you're having ONE of those months aren't you...

  7. Hey Murphy;

    Just a suggestion if you don't mind, You could do a book about Murphy and the adventures of Belle and use the title from this post as a title of the book. You have enough material for it and probably can get in a sequel. Just an idea, for your stories are great and my son who reads my blog loves the latest "Murphy/Belle misadventures.
    You gotta admit..a hamster ain't as much entertainment as those 2.

  8. Yeah, but you think Belle finds it easy escaping from the outside pen - just think of all the reinforcing you'd have to do with a hamster...

    Just sayin'.

  9. No, a hamster would have bitten your thumb to the knuckle when you tried to clean its cage. Then perhaps you might have been tempted to clean the cage with a shop vac.

    I worked at a pet store in high school. The hamster in question went on sale 1/2 price after that, and some poor unsuspecting cheap-skate bought it. But at least I didn't have to clean its cage anymore.

  10. Re: The Donald.
    Yep, and I've never heard of a hamster that came when called.

  11. I also worked in a pet store during high school. After being bitten several times said hamster ended up in the lizard cage when feeding time rolled around.
