Tuesday, December 27, 2005

People who need to "Shut the hell up" #1--Katrina whiners

This would be all the people from New Orleans who received disaster aid following hurricanes Katrina and Rita who are now whining about our government "not doing enough" for them or not doing whatever "fast enough".

Shut the hell up.

First of all, it's not the federal government's job to support you forever just because something bad happened to you. It's regrettable that many people lost their homes and possessions but this is why responsible people buy insurance. The sad fact is that every day since the beginning of time, someone somewhere has suffered a personaly loss. But until recently no one ever expected the government (the other taxpaying Americans) to give the suffers money in order to somehow make it better. This is BS. When cities are leveled by tornadoes or when homes are lost to fires, floods or earthquakes, no one demands that the other American citizens pony up to buy new stuff for the people who got wiped out. At least not until you Katrina whiners going going.

You all decided to live below sea level in an area prone to hurricanes. I know this because I once made that choice too when I lived there. I made the choice freely because I wanted to be in New Orleans despite the risks. So did every one of you. I also had the option to buy insurance to cover my home, car and property. Every one of you could have and should have done this too. Many did but many more did not, and now you seem to think that somehow the rest of us should reimburse you for the cost of your poor decision? Sorry, but the charity that you got from the Red Cross and other aid groups is about it as far as I'm concerned. I never agreed to underwrite everything all of you own so that you could save your money for more imporatn things like beer and fast food. I didn't mind helping for the short term to keep you alive, but replacing all your stuff is your problem.

Now as to the time line here. You people got washed out back in August. Even though your local and state governments failed you, the federal government and several charities stepped in and relocated you, clothed you, fed you and gave you money no questions asked so that you could get back on your feet. Some of you did the right thing and set down new roots in the communities you were moved to. You got jobs and got on with life all across the country. But it's been five months now and others are still sitting jobless in housing that they did not pay for, whining about how they don't want to either start paying rent or get evicted. Some of you blew that FEMA cash at strip clubs, casinos and liquor stores and you haven't even begun to seriously look for work. Now you're in the news demanding that the federal government(the US taxpayers) clean and rebuild New Orleans, build you a new house there and pay to move you back into it immediately. Give me a break!!!

As a former New Orleans resident who loves that city, my heart broke when I witnessed the destruction and the loss. I sent what aid I could and I wished that I could have done more. But the fact is that both Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco dropped the ball when they didn't use the assets or plans that were in place to help you, but they are Democrats who were elected solely due to machine politics so no one really expected them to be competent and as it turned out, they weren't.

It's their fault--not George Bush's--but it's also yours because you let these people get elected andeven now instead of holding them accountable you seem to be blaming the FEDERAL government for some reason. The federal government (and the rest of us taxpayers) didn't owe you anything. You had local and state governments for just this reason and you're the ones who let political hacks have those important seats. Now you're paying the price for not electing competent people.

Bottom line, Katrina "victims", is that nature and your own choices caused your predicament. Despite that you still got an incredible amount of help from the rest of us which was designed to put you back on your feet. I applaud those of you who got jobs, put their kids in school and otherwise transitioned into your new communities.
BUt as for the rest of you--the whiny greedy ungrateful minority who still keep demanding more handouts, suing the government to keep the free rent and cheese flowing and calling my president "racist" and "uncaring", it's time for you to shut the hell up. I didn't object to charity to help you but some of you are really abusing it now and I'm done paying for theb ones who still aren't trying. Get jobs and get out of my pocket now, and I pray that FEMA turns off the rent subsidies for you lazy holdouts ASAP.

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