Now she shows up at the State of the Union and she gets in because Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif. gave her a guest pass. "Oh, but she promised me she'd behave," Woolsey later giggled. But I don't think that anyone ever expected this one-woman circus act to behave or show the proper respect for such a solemn event. And true to form, once inside she peeled off her jacket to display a T-shirt intended to draw worldwide media attention to the war in Iraq, and of course to her personally.
The US Capitol Police did the right thing and they asked her to cover it up or leave. She predictably refused to do either so they arrested her and removed her and she didn't get her chance to draw the media attention away from our President during this important event.
And this clown act would have been over right there but for another ill-mannered self-promoting attention whore--Beverly Young, wife of Republican Congressman C.W. "Bill" Young of Florida. This hayseed twit also showed up at this formal event wearing a T-shirt. This one was in support of our troops but it was still as out of place in this forum as Barney the dinosaur would have been at a Pope's funeral. You don't wear T-shirts to events like this and even your average eight year old knows this. I'm sure that Beverly Young knew better too, but like Cindy, Beverly wanted the attention. She got a bit from Capitol Police too and they politely asked her to leave. She did, but then she had her apparently P-whipped husband call Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer and dress him down. Gainer--normally a guy with sterling judgement--went overboard trying to placate C.W. "Yes dear" Young and apologized to him and his shrew wife, who still took to a press conference to call him an "idiot" and demand that he be fired. (Yes folks, she's acting just like a Liberal.)
And because Gainer decided that Beverly "I-wear-the-pants-in-my-husband's-office" Young had been wrongfully treated, he also apologized to Cindy and dropped the charges against her.
Now of course Cindy gets 15 more minutes of fame as she screams about how vindicated she is and then laughably claims that she was damaged because the police "humiliated her and made her look bad." Oh give me a break. That's right up there with Saddam Hussein claiming that the Americans made him look bad when they put him on trial for the umpteen counts of genocide and mass murder that he openly engaged in for years. Fact is Cindy made herself into a cartoon character long ago and even earlier before this event, she and a few other liberal lunatics and news crews went and stood outside the White House and shrieked: "You're evicted! Get out of our house!"
Yeah, that didn't make her look like a nut-job.
And of course Cindy is now gleefully planning to sue and pocket a whole bunch of money that rightfully belongs to the US taxpayers.
This frivolous suit will get her even more attention and cost us all money and it couldn't have happened had not C.W. "pantywaist" Young badgered Chief Gainer into publicly admitting that the police officers' actions were wrongful.
What should have happened was that Chief Gainer should have told Young to pound sand and control his wife better and Young should have stood tall like a man and either taught his spoiled little wife to act better or else kept her at home with the other children.
So I'll be the first one to call on the government to re-file the charges against Cindy AND Beverly Young if those two prima donnas want to play games. I'm also calling on the voters in Young's home district to send a powerful message to their henpecked representative and tell them that just as we did not elect Hillary to be Co-President to Bill Clinton in 1993, neither did they elect Beverly Young to Congress.
And Cindy, if you hate my country, my military and my President as much as you frequently claim, how about if you just pack your bag, jump on your broom and fly off permanently to the terrorist nation of your choice. We don't need you here and you won't be missed.
But if you want to stay here in spite of your contempt for the rest of us, you need to shut your yapper.