Who is this and what's she doing? Well it's Sally Jacobsen, tenured professor at the Northern Kentucky University. And she's apparently destroying a display put up by a student group to protest abortions.
Now abortion isn't a topic you're going to read about here very often. Frankly I don't think it's right but I learned long ago that I can't fight on every front at once so I limit my battles and focus on winning a few that are particularly important to me while leaving the rest to others who know the issues better than I.
But one of the banners that I will always rally around gun and pen in hand is the fundamental right to free speech. And for that reason I'm condemning Professor Sally Jacobsen unreservedly and I'm hoping that others who read this story will join me in calling upon the university and the county prosecutor to punish her.
The story really began Wednesday, April 12th when 400 crosses that were put up on campus grounds by Northern Right to Life, a student group that opposes abortion, were torn down and thrown into trash cans all over the campus.
Witnesses reported "a group of females of various ages" committing the vandalism about 5:30 p.m., said Dave Tobertge, administrative sergeant with the campus police.
Sally Jacobsen, a longtime professor in NKU's literature and language department, said the display was dismantled by about nine students in one of her graduate-level classes.
"I did, outside of class during the break, invite students to express their freedom-of-speech rights to destroy the display if they wished to," Jacobsen said.
Asked whether she participated in pulling up the crosses, the professor said, "I have no comment."
But as the picture above shows, Jacobsen did participate. Her refusal to comment puzzles me since she claims that the act of vandalism was "freedom of speech". If as she claims, she and the others had a right to do this, why wouldn't she stand tall and proud and own up to it? Could it be that she knew that it was wrong and feared the consequences of her actions? The Left has come a long way since the day of Dr. Martin Luther King's brand of civil disobedience and I suspect the Dr. King would be ashamed of Jacobsen and her craven "no comment."
She did however say that she was infuriated by the display, which she saw as intimidating and a "slap in the face" to women who might be making "the agonizing and very private decision to have an abortion."
She then resorted to the standard Liberal tactic of calling those she disagrees with Nazis. "Pulling up the crosses was similar to citizens taking down Nazi displays on Fountain Square".
And is she sorry now that she's caught. Apparently not.
"Any violence perpetrated against that silly display was minor compared to how I felt when I saw it. Some of my students felt the same way, just outraged," Jacobsen said.
So what it boils down to is that anyone has the right to express an opinion or lawfully demonstrate for or against anything unless it makes Jacobsen feel angry. This just goes to validate what I've always said about Liberals, and that is that if and when the Liberals ever really get to run things in America, a lot of really good Americans are going to wind up against some bullet-pocked wall.
So I'm taking up this fight on behalf of those who want and deserve the right to speak and I'm opposing the real Nazis--people like Sally Jacobsen who think that they can decide who will and will not be heard. I'm urgine everyone to read the whole story here: Story
If you're as troubled by this as I am, contact Dr. James Votruba, the University President, by phone at 859-572-5123or fax at 859-572-6696. (He apparently isn't brave enough to give an e-mail address on the university's website.)
And use this link to pen a quick letter to the Campbell County Prosecutor, Justin Verst, asking him to bring charges on this matter. Contact the Prosecutor
We can make a difference when we stand united against tyranny, be it the tyranny of the terrorists outside our country, or the tyranny of the Liberals within it.
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