Monday, May 15, 2006

President's speech on Immigration

OK, mark me down as not impressed or happy.

Yes, National Guard troops on the border is good. I really don't care to hear whiny-baby Vicente Fox crying about us militarizing our border. First of all, it is OUR border, and second, it's already militarized. The MEXICAN military has been assisting drug smugglers and shooting at our police officers for a while now. But like everything else dealing with our border, Fox thinks it should be a one-way street. HE can militarize it to help illegals cross, but WE cannot. Screw Vicente Fox. One more word out of him and I vote that we just send the whole military down there and take Mexico completely over. And we might as well consider it. The way things are going now, it won't be long before all the Mexicans in that country are here anyway. And if President Bush and the Liberals in the Senate have their way, we'll be giving amnesty to every illegal border-hopping criminal already here or planning to come in the next twenty years. And when I rail against the Liberal senators I specifically mean senators like Specter, Hagel, Graham and McCain--politicians who begged the Republican voters to elect them and then turned into Democrats once they got in office.

I don't like this new proposal one bit. It's short on enforcement, long on expeditures, and it doesn't secure the border or address the illegals who are already here.

All I ask from my government is that they protect us and secure the borders. That's not asking a lot and the country can't survive if we just let anyone and everyone slide in and jump on the welfare rolls, use our hospitals at taxpayer expense, and take jobs from Americans.

I also want the criminals caught and deported. President Bush and his fan club all say that we cannot deport 12 million people who are already here. well ok, so how about we try and deport the ones we already have--namely the tens of thousands of illegals currently in our federal, state and local prisons and jails? every one of them is there for committing a crime in this country--from drunk driving to drug dealing and up to rape, child molesting and murder. Instead of releasing them back into our own society when their sentences are up, how about we just take them to the nearest border and flip them over it and tell them that if they come back here they'll spend the rest of their lives in prison? And before we let them go, let's use them as construction labor on our border wall for a while. we might as well get some benefit back in exchange for all the money they've cost us.

I admit, I really don't expect to see 12 million illegals booted out of the country. But I'd settle for a simple policy of deporting any illegal who gets arrested for a crime or who becomes a ward of the government because he can't or won't work and support himself. Make the rest of them speak and use English and stop this nonsense of giving them everything from drivers' license exams to election ballots in other languages. English is the language of success in this country and no one can get very far here if they can't communicate in English. Likewise, let's cut out broadcasts on our commercial radio waves of shows in other languages. As I recall, there was a time once when it was illegal to broadcast in languages other than English. I'm not sure when that changed but we need to get back to a common-sense policy like that again.

Next we need to set up a system where every employer has to check every new hire's social security number and other info via a government database, just as we do now when anyone in this country wants to buy a gun. This can prevent many employers from unwittingly hiring illegals, and if we crack down hard on the ones who do it on purpose--with business forfietures and jail time for major offenders--we can shut off a major incentive for illegal aliens.

Finally, secure the border. No unauthorized traffic in or out. And that includes no transfers of US currency out of the country by wire or other services unless it's sent by a US citizen from a US government office to a US embassy abroad. If we stop illegals from sending money out and if we prevent them from getting jobs here in the first place, we'll see our torrent of illegal aliens reduced to a managable trickle without need of military or police efforts.

If the President had talked about doing these things, I'd be raving and shouting his praise from the rooftops right now. But he didn't talk about doing any of these things. He's too busy working on ways to get all the illegals who are already here or on their way here turned into US citizens.

So rather than praise him, I think I'll just sit the next election out. either that or I'll go to the polls specifically to vote for democrats to run the US Senate. I cannot stomach the thought of them running the House or letting one be President again but if the current Senate leadership wants to act like the Democrats still run things and let so-called maverick senators vote like Democrats every time an important issue comes up, I figure we might as well give the senate back to the Dems. The result will be the same and I'd much rather be screwed time and time again by a known enemy than by the party that I elected and trusted to do the things that I want them to do.

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