Saturday, May 06, 2006

Sick dog--but not too sick for ice cream

This morning I took Lagniappe to Harpers Ferry to run on the C&O Canal towpath for a bit. Before the run, I noticed that he was eating grass but I was talking to a couple of people so I told him to "be a dog, not a sheep" and paid it no mind. I knew that dogs eat grass when they aren't feeling well but I just wasn't thinking along those lines.

We hit the path and ran a couple of miles. Actually I ran a slower, steady pace and he just sort of loped alongside. When we reached the point where I'd decided to stop, a woman and her kids walked up and the woman asked if he was friendly. I replied that he was, and she stepped forward to pet him.

"KAAAAK!" Lagniappe puked up about half a pound of used dog food right onto her open-toed sandals.

The woman wasn't exactly happy and for decency's sake I'm not posting a picture of this.

So after I let him rest for a bit, we walked back at a relaxed pace for his tummy's sake. And he was fine, especially as we neared the Swiss Miss ice cream shop in Harpers Ferry. He loves Swiss Miss and all the people who work there because they spoil him with little ice cream cones.

He may have been too sick to run, but as you can see, he sure wasn't too sick to beg for ice cream.


  1. Aww... poor Lagniappe! My dogs tried that handy remedy too--with the same disgusting (but effective) results! Glad he was well enough for ice cream, though!

  2. yes.. cats will do the same thing as well. Poor baby. As the old saying goes, better out than in.
