Saturday, March 10, 2007

More proof that the whole "Medical Marijuana" thing is a scam

According to this story from, high school students in Sand Diego are now acquiring "medical marijuana" cards and using them as an excuse for having drugs and being high at school. This is of course the consequence of Califonia voters decriminalizing marijuana for "medical reasons". (Way to go, Liberals!)

Some exerpts:

District official Catherine Martin said they are concerned over the growing trend and the "apparent ease" with which teens are able to obtain the cards.


Recently two East County teenagers were suspended for showing up at school high, with a medical marijuana card as their excuse, NBC 7/39 reported.

During a series of recent undercover sting operations, district attorney investigators identified four or five local doctors who are issuing cards or prescriptions without proper exams or follow up medical care.


San Diego District Attorney Narcotic Chief Damon Mosler told NBC 7/39 a bogus symptom and some cash is all a teenager needs to obtain a medical marijuana card.

Fantastic, huh? Forgetting for a moment that the whole idea that only marijuana can somehow alleviate pain for some "sick" people, now thanks to stupid voters and bad parents we see high school kids scamming drug-user cards from crooked doctors and/or forging them so that they can carry pot around and toke up wherever. Makes me glad that the Californicators on the Left Coast don't run the country even though one of their kookiest Congressional Representatives (Nancy Pelosi) runs Congress now.

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