Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jackasses emerge after VT shootings

We all knew that the copycats would be coming...

At one of my former alma maters, University of Colorado, Boulder, another psycho named Max Karson was arrested yesterday after complaining about things like florescent lights and unpainted walls in the school and he apparently stated that these things made him "angry enough to kill people." Supposedly he made other statements expressing sympathy or solidarity with the VT psycho killer and it was enough that his fellow students were afraid to go to class, according to this story. He was arrested on suspicion of interfering with staff, faculty or students of an education institution, but his father, Michael Karson, immediately rushed to his whack-job spawn's defense, and like the typical Boulder Liberal, he accused the police of violating his son's First Amendment rights.

With parents like this, it's no wonder we get school shooters and other psycho criminal rampagers. Max Karson needs to spend some time under medication in a rubber room, and Michael Karson needs his ass kicked just for being such an enabler.


  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Thank you! I'm sick of hearing other Jackasses talk about this clown's freedom of speech. You aren't free to threaten somebody. Maybe Max and his father are the ones who aren't familiar with first amendment rights. Lock his ass in the slammer!

  2. Anonymous5:13 AM

    So, what exactly are my rights? Can I disagree with what you just said? Or will that too be reframed as "threatening" by those of you in the First Amendment Abolishment camp. It seems to me that as far as you're concerned the ONLY acceptable thing to say about Cho Seung-Hui is that he was a useless, senseless, soulless psycho. Period. Correct?

    What about those who lost loved ones? Do they need to follow the Speech Police rules too? Whether or not Karson was an asshole really is beside the point. People are scarred; and they should feel empowered to lean on each other for support, in classrooms and in other settings. Why not let THEM do that, instead of regulating their healing process with rules that dictate the boundaries of acceptable speech? Some people can’t heal without being able to forgive and, on some level, to understand. Are we all potential murderers ourselves?

  3. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I have an idea, Lagniappe: Why don't you actually READ the guy's stuff instead of lambasting the excerpts that the media cites out of context. If you did that, you'd realize that his satire has a lot in common with your own writing. For example, you write:

    "I'm looking for Miss Right. She's a rich centerfold model who loves to do housework and who can maintain her part in an intellectual conversation...Due to difficulties in finding someone who meets all of those criteria, the ability to carry on a conversation has been dropped."

    Anyone with a high school education can detect sarcasm in your written tone (as is also the case with Karson's writing) But if I wanted to make you my political scapegoat I could easily quote you out of context, by saying:

    Yet another hypermasculine jackass has emerged in opposition to feminism. Studies show that serial rapists are more likely (1)to view women strictly as sex objects, (2) to favor inequality in allocation of household labor, and (3)to degrade women as men's intellectual inferior. Horrifyingly, a man who identifies as 'Lagniappe' exhibits all three of these "warning signs." He mocks the feminist idea that women have more to offer than just their bodies and their subservience. Lagniappe makes explicit comments about women's superficial attributes qualities, while making no reference to their non-physical qualities (except to mock them, of course). In the heading on the main page of his blog, the chauvinist psycho lets out a buffoon-like, cat call for "Miss Right"--whom he describes as a (presumably pornographic) magazine "centerfold," as well as someone he he can oppress by forcing her into a life of servitude, doing Lagniappe's dirty laundry, cooking meals for him, and basically waiting on him hand and foot. As to the importance of his being intellectually compatible with his future rape victims, Lagniappe says that "the ability to carry on a conversation" is irrelevant to him, and that it has been dropped" from his list of "criteria."

    Notice how I selectively used YOUR own words but twisted them back against you. Be careful what you wish for. If the First Amendment goes down, your blog and my blog and others like them will probably go down, too. Please be careful what you wish for.

  4. To the last anonymous critic:

    You DO realize that Lagniappe is a DOG, right? He doesn't read, care about women (unless they have treats) or worry about dirty laundry.

    Now I read, but I don't need to waste time reading Max Karston's rantings. The police read it and saw fit to arrest him and the prosecutor reviewed it and saw fit to charge him and I tend to trust those folks as those are my people, and Lagniappe's people too before he retired and gave up police work for the life of luxury here in his/our lair.

    But thanks for playing and DO come again.

  5. Anonymous7:38 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. And of course this site's now drawing visits from other weirdos who think that Max Karson is somehow "cool" because he devotes so much of his otherwise useless life to annoying and offending people. (Note to Michael Karson--this would not happen if your son had something better to do with his working at a job.)
    That's fine though, and I don't even mind all of the less-than-brave "anonymous" postings, but I draw the line at using my site to promote web pages lionizing Karson, which accounts for the deletion of the above comment. Obviously despite the raves of his fan club--no doubt a bunch of social misfits and trust fund kids--the school, police, and a judge all saw fit to take the action that they did, and I doubt that it would have gone this far without cause.

  7. Anonymous10:51 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I had to delete another comment because the same poster returned and ranted about me censoring him in an obscenity-laced tirade that makes me think that he's a very insecure homosexual. (Hey--it's MY site, punk. Your right to unrestricted speech stops at the edge of your own pathetic blog.)

    It's sad when the best that a liberal college kid can manage is a bunch of penis references. I guess in his somewhat dim mind, using naughty words makes him sound tough or adult-like.

    Actually kid, it just makes you sound pathetic. And as you your suggestion that we compare jobs/education...I'm a federal law enforcement officer, paramedic and pilot with a law degree. I think that trumps your french-fry-burning, paper-hat-wearing, may-I-take-your-order-please-sir "career".

    In sum, piss off, kid. Whatever money your mom and dad are blowing on your college tuition, I suspect that it's just money down a rat hole.

    And this is you: IP Address 71.212.239.# (Qwest Communications)

  9. Whoopsie... The best laugh comes from my little burger-flipping buddy crying about how mean I was to "censor" him by removing the spam link that he put here and on several other blogs that mention Max "Loser" Karson yet I just looked at HIS sad excuse for a blog and he's removed (censored) my non-profane, non-insulting comment expressing my support for the prosecution of Karson. Is there any end to the hypocrisy of the liberals?
