Sunday, June 17, 2007

Posting time again

OK, I'm tired of writing about the sell-out Congress and Mexican President George W. Bush trying to give America over to that third-world nation immediately to the south of us. Bottom line is that we won a fair portion of territory from Mexico back in 1848. We conquered much of their country, and then we gave them a bunch of it back and actually paid them compensation for the rest of it. Now here we are 160 years later and President Bush, Ted Kennedy, Lindsay Graham, John McCain and a handful of others are dead set on reversing that and giving all 50 US states to Mexico by granting amnesty and citizenship to the one Mexican in seven who is already in our country, mostly illegally.
I tire of going on and on about this. You readers know where I stand and most of you probably stand with me. Screw it. I'm going to talk about something else now. Like Lagniappe.

I took Lagniappe out to the flea market off 340 yesterday. It was a good day to walk him around and I picked up a new gun rack for $3.00. Lagniappe and I now have a trick worked out between us that promises to pay great dividends. Whenever we're walking past an attractive woman, I give the leash the slightest shake towards her and Lagniappe takes the cue walks right over and pokes her with his nose. Then I "admonish" him and "apologize" to her thusly:
"Knock it off, boy. Sorry about him. He's got this thing for bothering pretty women."
It rarely fails to elicit a smile from the women and provides a good opener to a conversation.
Good dog.

Today I took him to Harpers Ferry for his ice cream. He's a regular at the Swiss Miss shop. Then since it was hot out, I took him down to the river and let him swim after some sticks. Now when he goes in and gets pulled around by the current, he doesn't swim back to the shore close to him but he always tries to swim back to wherever I'm standing. Normally this isn't a problem but the river was running fast today and he managed to get pulled downstream from me and no matter how hard he paddled, he couldn't get back to me--all he could do was hold himself in place as he kicked and kicked.I finally had to help him out by walking downstream past him. Once I did this, he changed direction and swam towards my new location, this time with the current, and managed to finally reach the shore. Silly dog.

1 comment:

  1. "the flea market off 340"

    Hey! That was on my corner!

    Just hang a right off 340 and go down to the underpass.

    The driveway across from the water works?


    And hey, Lag, be careful in that river. It can get nasty.
