Sunday, July 15, 2007

Illegal Aliens mock us in Virginia

If this doesn't frost you, then you might need a check-up from the neck up.

A story in Sunday's Washington Post about illegal aliens and the new "harsh" ordinances in Prince William County designed to identify and remove illegals had this quote from an admitted scumbag illegal alien named Adrian Escobar who actually works on a State road project:

"They're talking about this in Jefferson County, in Clarke, all the way to West Virginia," Adrian Escobar said in Spanish, sipping from a Big Gulp cup outside a pupusa kiosk on Route 1. He and his brother Antonio dashed across the border from Mexico nearly 15 years ago and have been in the United States illegally since. They live in Winchester and make $17 an hour as flagmen for a Virginia Department of Transportation subcontractor.

The Escobar brothers shrugged at all the fretting they'd been hearing from other Hispanics last week, including workers who commute to Prince William to do its grunt work. "Who else is going to pave the roads here?" Adrian asked, cracking up with laughter. "An American? Ha!"

Antonio said he wasn't fazed. "If you're afraid, they'll just intimidate you more," he said. Besides, he added, the brothers have a plan in case Prince William police and immigration officials send them home for a "free vacation" to their father's farm in Guanajuato.

"We'll be right back here in a month," Antonio said.

OK. First of all, someone from ICE needs to identify the contractor who is illegally paying Antonio and his criminal brother. The contractor needs to be fined and/or jailed and barred from any government contracts for a number of years. Next, Antonio and his brother need to be deported, but not before they spend a year in a labor camp on our southern border, working from sunup until sundown on the border fence that needs to be put up immediately.

Failing that, Antonio and his brother should learn firsthand that it's not so easy to sneak back into our country if you get deported with a couple of broken kneecaps.
It may sound mean but tough problems call for tough solutions.

And Antonio, before you mock Americans, you might want to look at what a shithole your country (Mexico) is. Americans wouldn't create such a mess or tolerate those conditions. When you can really do better and not just steal from us, then maybe you can talk trash.

1 comment:

  1. These people work and live in Charlestown WV. Adrian antonio's brother is working for brothers pizzeria illegally they know he's illegal and they still hired him. Antonio is working illegally for a construction company in MD and I really think ICE should deport them back to their country because the only thing that they are doing is stealing jobs from American people and laughing at every single citizen in the U.S
