Sunday, July 08, 2007

Pro-illegal groups bailing arrested illegals our of jail.

Oh great... Our government finally snarfs up a bunch of illegal aliens in Connecticut, and the loons who live there post bail for the illegals!

Yep... 26 of the 32 criminals who snuck into our country and then either stole Americans' identities or presented falsified documents are now running around free again while their deportation cases move slowly forward, according to this story from By rights, these illegals should all be back in their own countries right now, or at least cooling their heels in some barbed-wire-encircled tent city in the Arizona desert, but a coalition of pro-illegal groups and some local restaurants that prefer to hire illegals instead of paying Americans the proper wages have put up the money to free them and apparently are even offering them employment even though by law they cannot work in this country. My only hope is that ICE and the IRS investigates every one of these businesses and begins jailing owners and managers who have knowingly hired these and other illegals.
And I think that it's a safe bet that when these illegals finally get their day in court, once they lose they'll just disappear rather than report for deportation. If these people had any intention of obeying our laws, they wouldn't even be here. And laws allowing illegal immigrants bail need to be changed in a hurry. If there was ever a class of people who define the term "flight risk", it's the illegal aliens.


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