Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Three less cucarachas in Texas.

Committing the crimes that Americans won't commit--that's what the 21 illegal aliens were doing as they broke into our country, piled into a single SUV, then endangered the lives of countless Americans as they led our police on a dangerous high-speed chase that finally ended when they crashed, killing three of their number.

This being Texas, the driver's looking at the Death Penalty.

But this being America--and him being an illegal alien--we'll probably see scores of apologists rushing to his defense, including Senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain and President Bush.


  1. Anonymous6:12 PM

    How is this a "crime Americans won't commit"? White people run from cops too. Have you ever seen "RealTV" or "Cops"? I bet you have.

  2. Actually, as a (former?) cop myself, I've chased people of many ethnic backgrounds. But I don't see color or race, at work or away from it. I only see criminals and decent people, period. Both come in all colors. However this post isn't about white people, black people, or any other ethnic group. It's about illegal aliens who break into our nation, steal an SUV, pack themselves into it like sardines, and only then commence to running from American authorities before surpassing their skill level and scattering themselves all over the landscape, requiring many thousands of dollars in medical care courtesy of the American taxpayers.
