Monday, September 10, 2007

Another lawyer pedophile...Wonder if HE'S an ACLU member too.

Shades of the kiddie-porn perv/ACLU head from Virginia! Now there's a 50 year old lawyer named Larry Charles in Philadelphia who just pled "no contest" (read: "Guilty") to having sex with a 14 year old girl IN THE COURTHOUSE! And to make it worse, five more girls have come forward with stories of how he attacked them when they were between five and ten years old.

Following his plea, his bond was revoked and he was remanded to prison pending his sentencing, where prosecutors plan to ask that he serve between 25 and 50 years.

Why are we even letting this guy go to prison? All this guy deserves is a rope and a tall tree.

No word yet on whether or not the ACLU has pledged to his cause.


  1. Anonymous1:13 AM

    He should get the end of the rope.

    But, some odd reason the ACLU will try to defend this man.


  2. You guys are all racists (according to the ACLU definition, that is). Larry Charles happens to be b-l-a-c-k, so even thinking that he should ought be treated to "a rope and a tall tree" is automatically racist!

    Never mind that Larry's victims were probably also b-l-a-c-k.
