In 1759, the British captured Quebec from the French during the French and Indian war.
In 1793, General George Washington laid the cornerstone of the US Capitol Building.
In 1830, the first US locomotive raced a horse near Baltimore. The horse won.
In 1862, the Confederate Army under Lee retreated from Antietam.
In 1965, the TV show "Get Smart" starring Don Adams premiered.
In 1975, the FBI captured heiress and bank robber Patricia Hearst in San Francisco.
And this woman ------------------------->
was there for every one of those events!
Yep. If you can believe it, my dear sainted mother is actually another year older today. Six point six decades decades old today, this is the woman who always taught me right from wrong, using inspirational phrases like: "Because I said so, that's why!"
She can cook, she can sew, but I've never been able to teach her to read a map to this day. Still, if I got to go back and pick one from the beginning, I doubt that I'd have picked anyone but her.
Happy Birthday, Ma.
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