Sunday, September 23, 2007

Why are we educating Mexican children in Texas?

According to this story, about 650 Mexican kids who reside with their families in Mexico cross our border every day to attend American schools in Roma, Texas.
A local TV news channel recently reported that these kids were crossing every day to take advantage of the superior education offered in our schools vs. the Mexican school system because we have no border controls in Roma, Texas. So who else is crossing that border every day, and where else do they cross? If there are 650 kids sucking up our education tax dollars just in Roma, how many do we have doing this in other border towns? And these aren't even kids of illegal aliens--these are straight-up Mexican kids who just come over the border every day for the education and free school lunch programs that you and I pay for. Per the story, it costs $7,000 to educate one child, and for 650 kids, that's $4,550,000 a year spent just in Roma on kids who aren't even ours! How much do you think it's costing us nationwide?

Now this is allowed to take place because we haven't closed our border or even pretended to be watching it. (Thanks, Congress and President Bush!) But it's also happening because school officials are for some stupid reason forbidden from asking about the students' citizenship. All a Mexican parent needs to do is claim local residency one time, even via an address of a friend or relative here, and the kid is accepted all the way through 12th grade.

And it's not like these kids come over fluent in English. They don't speak our language, so they bog down the classes for the legitimate American kids who do and they require the schools to go out and find Spanish-speaking teachers, again at our expense. (That's more money allocated for but not being spent on the American kids who actually belong in those schools.) And ironically, because demand is so high, and the number of American Spanish-speaking teachers is so low, many of our schools from Florida all the way across our southern border and up the west coast to Oregon and Washington State, are now hiring Mexican teachers to come here and teach the Mexican kids. In OUR schools. At our expense. The Mexican government of course pays nothing for this and acts offended when we discuss it or propose stopping it.

I'm thinking that it's time for our military to seize two or three hundred miles of Mexican territory immediately south of our border. We need to drive every last person out of that strip, tear up all of the roads and raze every structure there, and essentially create a buffer zone that will make it much harder for invaders to cross over into our country. Little kids, drug mules or terrorists, I really don't care. I just want our border secure and our country and it's people, resources and jobs made safe.


  1. That sounds like the typical comment from an inbred person from West Virginia. Who let you use their computer to spew this ignorance? If you closed the border and deported all illegals can you imagine the cost of a tomato in the US. If a child seeks out an education to better themselves who are you to lay down the law and deny it. You dont even live near that area and therefore should shut your pie hole and worry about problems in your own state.

  2. And another thing, how in the heck can you blame President Bush for the Mexicans coming across? This is not something that started in the last 8 years or are you just looking for someone to blame?

  3. Well aren't you just a font of tolerance there, skippy?

    But to answer your questions, I don't care what tomatoes will cost. The market will handle it like it does everything else, and prices will adjust according to demand. We can always import short-term laborers properly and Heck, maybe even you could get a job picking them and leave your present position serving them sliced on Whoppers.

    And as for the kids seeking the education, it's not the kids who come here, but the parents who send them. And they aren't asking us--they're just sneaking and taking something that they aren't paying for and which wasn't intended for them. In short--it's theft. And the victims are the American taxpayers and the American parents who expect their kids to be educated properly only to have classes slowed to a bilingual crawl by the massive influx of non-English-speaking kids who aren't even supposed to be there. Can a teacher teach forty kids as well as she can 20?

    And finally Kevin, I don't just blame Bush. I blame the Dems who pander to the illegal alien backers too. But Bush has been very soft on illegal immigration so yeah, he gets a large part of it.
