Saturday, September 22, 2007

Canada now getting hordes of illegal Mexicans via U.S....and Canada's getting pissed!

Fearing heightened American immigration enforcement, illegal aliens, mostly from Mexico and countries south of Mexico, are now running to Canada, and doing so in increasingly larger numbers. And unlike in most of America, they immediately qualify for welfare, including money for motel rooms, food and other living expenses. The illegals are starting to jump on this gravy train in a large way and naturally this is starting to worry and annoy the Canadians. (Oh, darn.)

Per this story from the Windsor Star, over the past three weeks, 200 illegal aliens crossed the border from Detroit into Windsor and immediately applied at Canadian government offices for shelter and social assistance funds. (WTF?! They just sneak in and run right to the hand-out office? No wonder the socialist Canucks are getting to be popular with illegals. Just wait until the rest of Mexico finds out. Hey Juan! No need for a fake green card there...just show up and jump on the dole!)

But of course the Canadians who crafted that stupid policy now cry that it's our fault.

"I don't believe that Windsor's residents and taxpayers should have to foot the bill for U.S. immigration policy," Windsor Mayor Eddie Francis said.

Well first of all, Eddie. it's not our fault that your country is now getting soaked with the illegal alien tidal wave that has been inundating us. If you want to blame someone, blame the corrupt Mexican government that offers no hope to it's citizens and deliberately drives it's less-desired unskilled and unwanted indigenous citizens across the border. And if there's still more blame, put it on yourselves for setting up a system where any illegal border invader can walk into one of your offices with his/her hand out and get free lodging, food and cash. Hell, even our liberals aren't that stupid.

But the Canadians keep bitching. "This is a problem the U.S. has allowed to create. It's really unfair for Canada to have to face this," said MP Joe Comartin (NDP -- Windsor-Tecumseh), his Party's public safety and national security critic.

"This is very much being driven by (the U.S. Department of) Homeland Security," he said, predicting that, "with few exceptions," most of these "economic claimants" will eventually be sent back.

Well aside from the fact that Comartin is undoubtedly a cheese-eating girly-man who'd doubtless surrender his nation to Mexico rather than secure it's borders, I hope that he remembers to send the illegals back to their own countries instead of trying to give them back to us. But just in case, it's probably a good idea to secure OUR northern border just to keep all of the illegals in Canada from crossing back.

1 comment:

  1. I am doubled over laughing as I read this. I mean, my stomach hurts!

    I have known many wonderful folks from what's left of British North America, but when it comes to liberal sanctimony, there's an element up there that makes Dennis Kucinich look sensible.
