Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fading Liberal allegedly mugged...and blaming conservatives

As if there are loads of conservative street criminals roaming around New York City...

But according to this report, Randi Rhodes, the failed comedienne turned caustic America hater and failed talk-show host on the all-but-washed-up "Air America" screed show (which went under despite massive cash injections from Liberals and a fraud perpetrated against a boys' and girls' club) now claims that she was attacked and beaten while walking her dog.

Of course the Liberal moonbat whacko base immediately began screaming that it was a right-wing conspiracy to silence Rhodes, but why would anyone bother going to the trouble? It's not as if she ever had more than seventeen listeners on a good day now, is it? And Air America is already in bankruptcy and virtually dead by it's own dull, America-hating hand.

No, what I see here is another Morton Downey Jr. moment. Anyone else remember back in 1989 when this failing liberal talk show host made up a fake "attack" on himself, claiming that neo-nazis had beaten him and drawn swastikas on his face in a San Francisco airport? Well we know now that he did it for the attention to keep him in the limelight by portraying himself as some sort of a victim, and I have to wonder if Randi Rhodes isn't doing the same thing here.

But assuming that it really did happen and that she and her little dog were mugged, I do express my outrage and sympathy because it is still technically wrong to beat down even crazy people who hate this country like she does and I sincerely hope that the little dog was not injured.

I also hope that the criminal is caught so that everyone can see that it's just another one of those bad people that the Liberals keep crying over every time the police arrest them and the courts sentence them.

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