Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another bad American busted

This election has seen unrivaled illegal activity in the area of suppression of public speech in support of candidates. All across the country, signs have been stolen, set afire in people's yards and shot at. In Michigan, a scumbag pizzaria owner named Diana Franzoni was offering free pizza to anyone who brought in McCain/Palin signs. People trying to peaceably express their point of view have been the victims of vandalism, threatened boycotts and other forms of serious harassment. And almost every single time, when a perpetrator can be identified, it's a Democrat like Lori Lieberman.

An Arizona State University student caught stealing campaign signs that carry political messages opposing two Democratic legislators confessed that she did so at the behest of the school's Young Democrats organization, according to a memo from the Maricopa County Attorney's Office.

Lori Lieberman has yet to be arrested or charged with any crime, Tempe police said, although an investigation is ongoing.

County detective Tim Miller's memo to his superior describes how he found Lieberman removing campaign signs at the intersection of Baseline and Rural roads on Friday. She also had seven signs in the trunk of her car, Miller said.

The signs contended Sen. Meg Burton Cahill and Rep. Ed Ableser are for opening the border with Mexico. The sign maker for the Democrats' Republican challengers has posted the small red-on-white placards throughout Legislative District 17 in Tempe.

Miller said Lieberman told him she was a member of the Young Democrats and that its members had been told to collect signs.

Now, the sign maker is convinced Lieberman was acting on orders from the honorary chairman of the Arizona Young Democrats: Ableser.

"Who are they to decide who gets heard?" Jim Torgeson said. He said he wants to press charges against Lieberman, unless she reveals who told her to steal the signs.

"As with any group, you've got to hold somebody accountable," Torgeson said.

Lieberman could not be found for comment. Her profile on lists her as a sophomore from Las Vegas who is majoring in education.
Well I want to see Lieberman charged and convicted, hopefully of something that keeps her from getting hired as a teacher, because I don't want someone like her in a position where she can influence kids.

I'll go farther. I want all of these people identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This sort of terrorism--and that's exactly what it is--is aimed at destroying the will and ability of Americans to express their political views, and if unchecked, it may not be long before the only "approved" points of view that anyone can express will be those which are pro-Democrat. remember how all those Germans had to express love and support for Hitler or risk a trip to a concentration camp? Well if the Obamaniacs aren't checked and this behavior of theirs isn't stopped, we may see that sort of stuff here in America before long. and this, folks, is why I'm finally supporting the McCain/Palin ticket. It's because people who act like this and/or condone such acts cannot be allowed to win. People who say "God damn America" or who tried to blow up the Pentagon, they can't be allowed to win either. America-haters like Louis Farrakhan, George Soros, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Moammar Khadaffi and others--all of whom have expressed their hope that Barack Hussein Obama becomes our next President--cannot be allowed to win.

So please stand with me against all of these horrible people. Stand up for America on November 4th. Vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin as I already have done and throw it in the faces of those who would take away the voice of anyone that they can publicly identify as a non-Democrat.

And for the record, I'll condemn this type of action and call for punishment for offenders regardless of who does it or why. Freedom of Speech is paramount to our way of life, and I'll stand in support of the right of any law-abiding American to express his or her views in a peaceable manner even when I don't agree with those views.


  1. remember how all those Germans had to express love and support for Hitler or risk a trip to a concentration camp?

    Yes. They torture people in concentration camps, and never let them leave. If McCain wins, it will take at least four and perhaps eight more years to close Guantanamo Bay and begin to reverse the black eye America took when she became a torture country.

    Well if the Obamaniacs aren't checked and this behavior of theirs isn't stopped, we may see that sort of stuff here in America before long. and this, folks, is why I'm finally supporting the McCain/Palin ticket.

    Okay, I have you down as voting out of fear, rather than a love of liberty. For you it seems that America is neither the home of the brave nor the land of the free.

    Every four years you get this sort of shenanigans, on both sides, it never should override principle to influence votes, neither as a result of the vandalized signs nor as a counter-reaction to the vandalism.

  2. Close Guantanamo? And do what exactly with the prisoners, most of whom were caught red-handed with guns or bombs or otherwise conclusively linked to the terrorist groups? We're now in a situation where we're not supposed to detain them or turn them over to any of the other governments, and God help us if we ever adopt a "take no prisoners" policy.

    as to voting, since I was never fond of McCain, I wasn't planning to vote at all. However I became upset with the tactics of many who want an Obama Presidency and decided that it was worth my time and trouble to try to deny all of these people their victory just based on how they act.

    I also believe that Obama's policies are horribly bad for this country, but not terribly much worse than Senator McCain's in many ways. So all I'm left with is making my vote a referendum on the smear tactics and criminal behavior that I see being perpetrated mostly by one side. yes, there's always a little hooliganism to be expected on every side, but in this case, it's over the top in the Obama camp. and since I really do hate to be left out of a good fight...

  3. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Close Guantanamo? And do what exactly with the prisoners, most of whom were caught red-handed with guns or bombs or otherwise conclusively linked to the terrorist groups?

    You bring them to bases in the United States and try them under the military court system here, Same outcome, no black eye in the eyes of the world.

    So all I'm left with is making my vote a referendum on the smear tactics and criminal behavior that I see being perpetrated mostly by one side. yes, there's always a little hooliganism to be expected on every side, but in this case, it's over the top in the Obama camp. and since I really do hate to be left out of a good fight...

    I will never allow my precious right to vote be swayed by anecdotes of Mickey Mouse registering to vote, or lawn signs being removed. There are people who will stay home and not vote at all, because they believe both candidates are evil. They forfeit their right to complain, no matter who wins. By voting for Bob Barr, I assert my right to bitch about the policies of Obama (or McCain) for the next four years.

  4. Anonymous11:30 PM

    They could shoot them. The best way to empty Gitmo.

  5. Under the Geneva Conventions, we are authorized to summarily execute "irregular" combatants. We are only obliged to imprison uniformed soldiers. I think we could find a wall and some riflemen to take care of that Gitmo problem. Heck, I'd even bring my own rifle and ammo if the gov't would give me transportation, food, and lodging. Maybe we could compost the remains and make the greenies happy. (No Soylent Green jokes please!)

    LG - you seem to be attracting lesbians lately. What's the deal?

  6. Scott,

    All are welcome here, including honest cops, ethical lawyers, right-wing gun nuts, fawning dog lovers, libertarian lesbians, and proud patriotic Americans of every stripe. All I ask is that people play nice and post respectfully.

    (And most do, but you should see the comments from the militia whackos, potheads and random ragers that don't get approved...)

    Fair warning on Teresita and Kim... They're pretty sharp and I suspect that they'll eat your lunch if you're not careful.

  7. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Is libel free speech?

  8. Matt,

    If I recall my Tort Law classes correctly (and if I don't, Aaron will be along to correct me soon enough), the correct answer would be "Yes and No".

    You're not referencing anything in this humble blog, are you?

  9. All are welcome here, including honest cops, ethical lawyers, right-wing gun nuts, fawning dog lovers, libertarian lesbians, and proud patriotic Americans of every stripe. All I ask is that people play nice and post respectfully.

    (And most do, but you should see the comments from the militia whackos, potheads and random ragers that don't get approved...)

    Understood and appreciated. Heck, you let me on here! And from the stuff from the potheads you let through, I can imagine what you filter.

    Fair warning on Teresita and Kim... They're pretty sharp and I suspect that they'll eat your lunch if you're not careful.
    Undoubtedly - I'm an easy mark! I have read some of their blog material, and it is interesting. Lesbian libertarians would have seemed to me to be a rare breed. Perhaps not.
