Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I voted today

On the way to the deer feed store, I stopped off to cast my ballot since we have that accursed "early voting" thing here. And yes, I voted for the Sarah Palin/John McCain ticket because I really can't afford to buy all of the guns that'll get banned if Obama wins, especially after he starts taxing me and sending out checks to all of those low-income knuckleheads who don't even pay taxes but somehow deserve a refund, according to Obama.

I also had to vote against an irresponsible developer named Paul Ashbaugh, who is running for a seat on the County Commission as a "reformer" and opposing our zoning laws, not because they unduly restrict anyone or impose any sort of a burden on the average resident as he claims, but actually because they prevent him from building a strip mall and reportedly throwing up some cheap Section 8 apartments in what is currently a nice single-family residential area. People like Ashbaugh are the reason that we have zoning laws and one needs to look no further than his existing attempt at development, the aptly-named "Ashbaugh Road" off of Route 9 near the Loudon County border, to see how he rolls. That "road" was so badly built that it washes out with every rain right down onto the neighboring properties, and he's reportedly been sued and forced to write big checks to the people who bought houses up that road because it's so shoddily done as to be virtually unusable. Yeah, I really want this guy building more stuff in the county.

I also wrote my own name in for several local positions, including Prosecutor, Sheriff and Magistrate, since they were basically unopposed candidacies. Gee, I hope I win one. Vote for me!


  1. We have an Ashbaugh here too. His name is Al Seeno. He loves to build housing developments on old toxic sites, unstable hillsides, or otherwise unsuitable areas.

  2. I had to vote Dem to fight Ashbaugh. In this county, due to the mix of welfare recipients and DC liberals moving here, the Democrats usually prevail. So I voted for the Dem candidate--Lyn Widmyer--just to help defeat "Crazy Paul" as he's known around the nearby bar/liquor store/gas station.

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Thanks for doing your part.
    As soon as I can I will be voting also.

  4. I can't help but think this "early voting" is an out for the loser to say, "Recount!" Gawd, if we have to go through that again....
