Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm dead...

It was just a little 20 mile bike ride today. But it was 20 miles of hills, and mostly in direct sunlight as temperatures crept up towards the 90's. By the time I got back, I was wiped out. I'm still wiped out. Please just talk amongst yourselves today.


  1. Stay hydrated! We'll be around!

  2. I didn't realize boxes of tools and manuals could weigh so much. I may go for beer no two AND the large bathtub soak. We won't mention painting.

    I got my new bike. It has 21 speeds. It's going to wait until Sunday, when everything quits hurting.

    20 miles is awesome. You should be proud.

  3. Wow! It was humid today, too. I got knocked off my bike by heat (and the whole pushing myself into heat exhaustion thing a couple times) and haven't got back on. Need to badly.

  4. In the 90s?

    Down here, we'd call that an Arctic Blast...

  5. Good on you!

    wv- ibring- I bring much ammo!

  6. You need a cold beer (or two) and then a nap.

    And when you get up cook something like eggs and sausage for yourself and Murphy.

  7. Ice cream sundae. Just sayin'.
