Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ever have one of those days when you just seriously want to see a traffic cop?

So I’m driving into the city today, and as I come up to the exit ramp that lets me jump from one over-congested highway to the next, I suddenly see a taxicab pull up next to me with it’s turn signal on, trying to cut in front of me.

Now dammit, I’ve been waiting in this line of cars to get onto this ramp for a minute now, and this cab had every opportunity to get into the line at the back just like I did, or even to cut in well before the exact break point where the ramp cuts away. But this cab, a minivan from Alexandria Union Cab Company, Cab #706, wants to bypass the whole line and cut in right in front of me.

Anyone who knows me knows that this is so not happening. I refuse, and when he tries to merge in, I hold my place, refusing to give an inch, just daring him to hit me. He decline to hit me and wound up almost missing the exit entirely before he gave up, braked hard (nearly getting rear-ended his own damn self), and then cut off the guy right behind me. Once he was behind me, he started flashing his bright lights at me as if I did something to him by not letting him jump the line.
Brake check. Yep. Mine work.

So once onto the next highway, I’m moving along in the right lane, when suddenly this guy is next to me again in the left lane, and now he’s slowing to match my speed and deliberately moving into my lane as if to sideswipe me or force me over onto the shoulder. I’m like, is this guy serious? And he’s got a PASSENGER in that cab! How is the passenger not going nuts at this road-raging cabbie? But I’ve had enough, and I brake a bit to drop back and get his license number and cab number to start making my calls (because I’m going to call the police, the cab company and the hack inspector, in that order) when all of a sudden I see red and blue lights everywhere. A motorcycle police officer is now right on the back of this cab, pulling him over. Apparently Officer Evel Kneivel Saw some or all of this and tagged him right there.

Sometimes the Karma Fairy is right on the ball.


  1. Awesome.

    It does happen (I got to watch a brand new shiny pickup nearly take the bumper off an unmarked SUV in a fit of stupidity, I cheered the cop).

  2. That hardly ever happens, but I'm glad it worked out for you.

  3. YES!!! :-) Saved you a phone call or three!

  4. Love it when that happens. Hope you made the phone calls.

  5. Anyone that knows you indeed! Yeah, I can see all of that NOT happening! Sometimes the karma runs over the dogma.

  6. @ WSF: Oh yeah.

    @ Keads: what are ya saying there? I'm all kind and gentle and tolerant and stuff. And well-armed.

  7. Love that, absolutely love it.

  8. Yay! Lemme guess - Ethiopian? Nigerian? Middle Eastern? That's not racist - it's just that they are incredibly aggressive taxi drivers in the Silver Spring area.

  9. About time this type of driver got busted!!

  10. Yay Karma Fairy!! And you, for sticking to your guns.

  11. I moved from the desert to Communist Northern Virginia, I made the drive from Dumfries to DC every day. There are so many a**holes on the roads out here, I can't believe the way they drive. They can't change lanes, they don't know how to get on the freeway, complete IDIOTS. I love it when I see a cop stopping the aggressive drivers and especially the ones who want to cut in line.
