Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Random musings

So I wake up this morning and I don't hear Murphy snoring on his dog bed at the foot of my own bed. I look, and sure enough, he's not there. So I get up and walk through the Lair looking for him, only to find him upstairs in my guest room, sound asleep on the guest bed. And yes, someone started out his day with a swat on the hindquarters.

And the news is that Rep. Barney Frank is retiring from Congress now that redistricting means that he'd have had to run for the votes of a bunch of people that have never voted for him before, many of whom are not his preferred constituency of second-handers looking for free stuff from Washington. The papers and fellow Democrats are already lauding him and for the most part overlooking his long history of scandals. But all I see is a man totally without honor or ethics leaving us. Pity that he cannot take the housing market collapse that he and fellow corruptocrat Chris Dodd helped bring about through their meddling with Fannie and Freddie. If it were my call, he'd be stripped of every tangible asset, money going to repay the taxpayers for his misdeeds, and then he'd be stripped of his citizenship and deported. But alas, no one lets me make decisions like that.


  1. Dog snoring: At one point this past weekend, Mrs. Paladin and Bailey were both curled up in the big leather chair snoring and Gunny was on his blanket right beside them adding his own harmony. It was like a scene from The Three Stooges :)

    +1 on the Frank comments. I'm just interested to see what miscreant they replace him with. I heard someone on the radio this morning mention Maxine Waters.


  2. Good riddance to Barney.

  3. Not to mention all the microphones he's spit on while talking needing disinfected...Ooops! Did I say that? Naughty!

  4. Too bad. I'd vote to see that!

  5. You have my vote!

  6. Yep, he needs to just go away... permanently...

  7. "If it were my call, he'd be stripped of every tangible asset, money going to repay the taxpayers for his misdeeds, and then he'd be stripped of his citizenship and deported."

    It can be done. Just get enough conservatives elected and they pass a law to force all members of houses to put all their funds in blind trust for the duration of their terms.

    Just takes enough folks getting fed up to vote!
