Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy, happy, joy, joy...

My Uzi returned from repair at Vector on Thursday. Today was the first day that my wrist felt up to a shooting session so I took it out for a test-fire.
It shot flawlessly, and the sound of all those rounds pinging off the steel target was like music on this fine summer afternoon. It works again, and it works well.

Of course now my wrist wants to kick my ass, but it was still a good time. I'm happy.


  1. It's back! Woo-Hoo! Go easy on the wrist dude!

  2. Those things are a hoot to shoot! Glad you got a chance to do so.

  3. I'll be in my bunk.

  4. Totally worth the pain, I assume.

  5. Dang. It's been 15-16 year's since I put round's down range through an Uzi...

  6. what an awesome, awesome firearm.
    cribbing the pic just so I can drool over it from time to time.

  7. @ KX59: Click on the "Uzi" tab below the post. There are more.
